I am a super mommy. I'm the best mommy in the world. No one can ever take my title, or make me feel bad about my proclamation. I'm an excellent speaker and a good writer, but being a mommy is what I'm most proud of. It's my biggest accomplishment ever. The only thing that could probably trump motherhood, is being a mom to multiple humans. That's pretty awesome too.

I truly believe that us supermoms don't give ourselves enough credit. We are expected to be everything to everyone automatically. No one thanks us everyday for our services. No one gives us awards and banquets (aside from birthdays and Mother's Day) to show us appreciation. Being a mom, (I'm only talking about dedicated mothers who are good mothers) is a 24/7 job. Even if your kids are with other family members on the weekends, if something happens to them, you'll drop everything and be right there for them.

We are doctors, teachers, lawyers, chefs, stylists, artists, entertainers, housekeepers, janitors, nurses, security, therapists, photographers, comedians, dentists, barbers, beauticians, singers, rappers, painters, designers, etc. etc. etc. We are everything to these little people. And we love them genuinely, with no immediate reward. That's amazing love.

Well, what makes me a "Supermom" some may ask. I'm a Supermom because I'm not perfect. My son is three, he's my first child, and I'm a single mom. I make mistakes. Sometimes I don't feel like watching Caillou, or Barney, or Paw Patrol. Some days I will let my son watch Spongebob, or Alvin and the Chipmunks. When we dance, it's not always to songs like Hokey Pokey, and Ring Around The Rosies. Some days we listen to "Hit the Quan," "Stookie," or "Classic Man" (the clean versions). I need to reinforce the importance of eating vegetables. I don't do everything by the book anymore like I did during his first two years of life.

I'm a Supermom because I care about myself first. Sometimes mothers go crazy because they neglect themselves. Everything is all about the children all day every day with no breaks. As I stated previously, mothers are on call 24/7. But in those hours of freedom, enjoy your quiet time. Read a book, take yourself to a movie, plan a ladies night, watch a netflix season of your favorite mommy show. Get a pedicure, go to the mall and try on fancy clothes, buy yourself some flowers. If you're married or in a relationship spend some quality time with your man. If mama's not happy, nobody is happy.

I bet some people thought I was nuts when I was attending events and still doing speaking engagements when my son was in ICU. Thank God  I have an amazing support system and my son has a great dad, so I was able to take breaks. Had I stayed in the hospital the entire time I would've sank into a depression. Taking just a few hours a week to myself kept me from committing suicide in the bathroom, or from doing drugs and abusing alcohol to escape the pain. I love my son more than life itself, but I can't give him the love he needs if I'm not loving me.

I'm a Supermom because I'm properly preparing my son for life outside of the home. Our children must learn how to read and write before Kindergarten. Thank God for teachers and professors who help our children learn to facts and skills, however, we are their first teachers. We can't depend on the teachers to teach our kids everything. Some things they need to learn from us.

Our black sons and daughters need to know their history, know their worth, and know that the world is not like the fairy tale books we read to them before bed. Our sons need to learn to respect themselves and women. They need to learn to be self sufficient leaders and gentlemen. Our ladies need to learn how to respect themselves, how to carry themselves respectfully. They need to learn that from home. We have to have those uncomfortable conversations at home, and early.

I'm a Supermom because I keep it real with my son. Yes he's only three, but he won't be calling his private area a "wink wink" or a "pickle." My son knows that no one is supposed to touch his penis. He knows that no one is supposed to try to put anything in his mouth or in his butt. If someone tries, he knows to say "NO" and run away. Most recently, we've had the Stranger Danger conversation. If a stranger (someone you don't know) tries to take you with them but the don't know the password, he'll run away screaming "Stranger Danger!!!" It's kind of funny to practice, but at least he'll know what to do if the situation ever arises (God forbid). We have to stop underestimating the intelligence of these kids. They are smart!

I really knew I was a supermom this past weekend when my son had a stomach bug. This child could not make it to the toilet several times. I'm not talking #1. I'm talking the #2 that comes with a stomach bug. And guess who had the pleasure of cleaning it up every time? Not to mention the 4 a.m. vomiting spell in his bed and mine. I've had so many of his bodily fluids on me that it doesn't even phase me too much anymore. That's love. Stinky, sticky, unconditional love.

This post is just to thank myself for being such an outstanding mother. I'm giving myself the World's Best Mommy Award. I'm patting myself on the back and putting myself on a pedestal. Hooray for me! I read to my son, I feed him nutritious meals, I sing and play with him, I pay attention to his well being, I keep him healthy, I let him be who he is. I let him spend time with family and friends, and I do my best to create a comfortable and worry free lifestyle for the both of us.

If you're a supermom, raise your glass with me. Let's have a toast to the good moms, the imperfect moms, the true nurturers and caregivers! To every late night, every early morning, every ER visit, every poop, cry, and tantrum! Cheers to the Supermoms! There is no life without us!


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