Guided Meditation

Tears streamed down my face as I sat at my desk this morning in darkness and silence...

My brain has been overflowing with thoughts, worries, and anxiety about the future. I've put so much pressure on myself to be a great mother, a great student, and a great woman. Meeting deadlines, studying for tests, writing papers, keeping the house clean, making sure my son is happy and healthy, and still having an active social life has kept me active physically and overactive mentally.

I feel like I can't stop. I feel like I have so much catching up to do. I'm 29. It's time to get my life together, get stable, and get to my success. I'm going into my senior year of college in about 6 weeks. It felt so good typing that. I'll be a senior in college after completing this semester. I have a strong desire to finish strong, maybe Cum Laude. Achieving that goal requires a great deal of effort and commitment. However, I can't burn myself out.

This morning I woke up 10 minutes early unintentionally. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to take advantage of those extra spare mommy moments. I decided to do a 10 minute guided meditation. I wanted to clear my mind. I needed to reconnect with God, with my Source, my Creator, the Universe. 10 minutes may not seem like along time, but I breathed in every second. 10 minutes felt like an hour, and I'm grateful to myself for taking those moments to relax and prepare for another full day.

My favorite part of this mediation was when the lady said "You are supported. Everything is OK." That's when the tears began to fall. I read in a book that the majority of things we worry about from day to day haven't even happened. HA! That's hysterical to me because it's true.

Every time my son coughs, scratches his head or sneezes my fears think about that damned tumor. When he got sick last week, I cried, panicked, and almost had a nervous breakdown because in my mind I put him back in the hospital.

It was just an ear infection.

I stressed myself out so much that I ended up getting sick. I had bronchitis, pink eye, and a horrible sinus infection. Stress will kill you if you allow it to. And it all stems from a negative thought.

Now that I'm feeling like myself again, I wanted to start my day off with a few moments of mental medicine. During the meditation I focused on my breathing. I removed all negative thoughts and distractions from my brain. I took God's hand again, and let go of all my doubts.

Peace, Balance, Tranquility, Wellness.


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