I Hate Life

"When it rains it pours." 

I hear that often when I'm complaining to my elders about why I hate life. 

"Keep living."

Another phrase the old heads say to us young folk when we share our seemingly tragic life challenges.

Every day I am grateful for life. But some days, I hate life. 

I'm usually a positive and upbeat person. I smile a lot, sing all the time, and fearfully laugh out loud like a child. However, the other day was the complete opposite. I wanted to punch a wall, stomp on the floor, and throw an all out tantrum like a child. That was a day when the right to say I hate life, was exercised. Let me tell you about the day I had...

First, I woke up late. That's never a good thing, especially when you're relying on public transportation with a small child. Secondly, it was raining cats and dogs. My son and I stood at the bus stop being battered by the soggy elements. Finally, I realized that after catching the train and the bus to school, I didn't have enough money for an Uber. I need Uber to get my son to his daycare facility since no buses go up that route. The walk is about 25 minutes long, and would leave us soaked from the heavy rains. I hate life.

As our stop was approaching on the train, I mistakenly said aloud, "I HATE LIFE!" The smelly drunk man a few seats ahead looked at me like I was the crazy one... Then, all I could do was shed a quick tear, and think of a plan. I couldn't let my son see me fall apart. Suddenly, I remembered that we had a bank account with a little over a hundred bucks in it. I was flat broke and needed the money for a few other things in addition to Uber. So I decided to turn this disaster into a day off.

My son and I exited the train, and hopped on the next train headed in the other direction. I explained to my son that I wasn't feeling well, and we had to go to the bank and then go home. He wasn't worried about a thing. 

We took the train to the bank, and walked through the torrential rain. I withdrew the funds, and just like that, life was good again.

The moral of the story is, troubles don't last always. Hate is just a temporary state of emotion. When I say I hate life, it doesn't mean that I don't enjoy life as well. There will be days where it feels like everything is falling apart. But remember, it's only temporary. Things always tend to work out. The money comes, the heart breaks heal, we fall down, then get right back up. 

When it rains it pours, but we can either choose to sulk in the rain, or dance in it. 


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