New Relationship Recap Month 7: Days 181-210

 New Relationship Recap Month 7: Days 181-210

The Getting Serious Phase: Chris and I have been together now for almost 210 days. We have lasted through the end of winter, all of spring and the majority of the summer. Soon, autumn leaves will fall. The foliage will change colors, and dead leaves will shed making room for new life to bloom in spring. At this phase in our relationship we are locked in. We communicate about our future together. As a couple in our early 30's, we talk about marriage often. All doubts I once had about a future together have dissipated. I feel totally secure about the stability of our relationship. 

We are comfortable spending time with both our families. We have introduced our children to our relationship. We are continuing to go steady. 

Days 181-210: As we are still getting to know one another, the dynamic of our relationship is shifting. When we have disagreements we understand how it affects the other person. This actually decreases the amount of disagreements because now we know how to approach them tactfully and strategically. For example: Chris knows that I am very sensitive during my cycle. Therefore, he has started to track my period, and he has become more gentle with me during my flow. I know that Chris is very independent yet he needs to feel supported. With that knowledge, I don't make a fuss if he has to travel out of state for work. And, when he comes home I make sure to verbally acknowledge his hard work. I tell him that I appreciate him, and ask how I can assist him in his absence. 

Also, we have set a routine for date night. Every Thursday we have date night. We rotate planning out our Thursdays so that one person isn't always responsible for the date night activities. This started when he was working out of state in Louisiana. He'd be away Monday morning through Thursday evening. We chose to lock in Thursday for date night in order to ensure we both received the quality time we needed to maintain a healthy relationship while being away. It has been amazing! It gives us something to look forward to. It is an investment of time, money and energy into our relationship. It has taken our relationship to a new level. We are both dedicated to enhancing and igniting our relationship weekly.

This is new and exciting for me because I've never put this much energy and effort into a relationship outside of family before. Each week I am filled with gratitude. Finally I have someone who loves as much as I. Someone who wants to be loved like me. Someone who is open to receiving the love that I give. It is an indescribable feeling when you feel like you may have found the missing piece to your puzzle... 

Follow our love story on IG @ramonajsmith1 and on FB: Ramona J. Smith

Have you been with your partner for more than six months? Leave us some relationship advice in the comments below. 


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