5 Tips For Earning Straight A's
There is no better feeling than receiving a report card with straight A's raining down the page. During my first semester at a highly ranked private institution in Northeast Ohio, I was in awe of myself when I earned straight A's for the first time. Here's how I was successful at earning Straight A's.
Tip #1 For Earning Straight A's:
Start your semester with a positive attitude.
Enter the classroom on the first day of classes with the end goal in mind. Keep your thoughts focused on the mission at hand. Constantly remind yourself that you are in it to win it, and that you CAN do it.
Tip #2 For Earning Straight A's:
Share your goal with family, faculty and friends.
Tell your close family, friends, and professors or coaches that you're planning on earning straight A's. This will help with your personal accountability. If you feel discouraged or fail a test, your support team can help get you back on track and give you the motivation you need to push forward.
Go above and beyond.
Complete all of your work ON TIME and IN DEPTH. Put forth the extra effort on all projects and presentations. Do not miss any homework assignments and take advantage of any extra credit opportunities.
Tip #4 For Earning Straight A's:
Study, study, study!
You will get back what effort you put in. Read your chapters in advance. Take notes, complete practice quizzes, attend or start a study group. The formula for success is "For every credit hour in which you enroll, you will spend approximately 2-3 hours outside of class studying." (For example: 15 credit hours = 30-45 hours per week of study time.)
Tip #5 For Earning Straight A's:
Don't procrastinate!
16 weeks seems like a long time, but we all know how fast each semester comes and goes. Don't wait until the night before the test to do a cram session and stay up all night memorizing material you've had weeks to remember. Check your syllabi often and keep track of deadlines. Don't until the last minute to complete projects and homework.
Follow these 5 tips, and you're sure to at least see an improvement in your grades. Earning straight A's is no easy task. However, if you put your mind and energy towards accomplishing this goal these tips will be most helpful.
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