5 Reasons Why Being Single Sucks

Yesterday was Sweetest Day, a man made holiday created in Ohio to help candy factories sell overstock candy. Somehow, it has become a cherished annual tradition for both singles and couples alike to celebrate this day. Aside from a few random "Happy Sweetest Day" text messages, I sat at home alone. Bored. Angry. Again. Here are my top 5 reasons why being single sucks.

#5 Reason Why Being Single Sucks
With no plans, dates, or outings, I mostly sit at home, binge watch cancelled sitcoms, and snuggle of with my good pal Merlot.

#4 Reasons Why Being Single Sucks
No Texts or Calls (Dry Phone)
Checking my phone has become a habit. Checking my phone knowing full well that no has text or called has become an even worse habit.

#3 Reasons Why Being Single Sucks
Dating Yourself Gets Old
All of the dating "experts" say that single women should continue to date themselves while not in a committed relationship. Should we also hug ourselves, pull the chair out for ourselves, and attempt to spoon with ourselves at night as well? I enjoy the company of the opposite sex while attempting to do activities that are more fulfilling with a pair.

#2 Reasons Why Being Single Sucks
The Arrival of Cuffing Season
During the late fall and winter, the rate of couples inevitably sky rockets. People jump into relationships faster than a burning man into Lake Erie. Unfortunately, I'll most likely be the one angrily shooting those new couples fiery flashes of jealousy, as he feeds her from his plate and kisses the Italian dressing from her lips. (So cute that it hurts. CHECK PLEASE!)

#1 Reasons Why Being Single Sucks
We All Want That Special Someone
As much as I claim to be liberated and happily single, there are days when I miss having a partner who genuinely cares for me. I miss going on dates. I miss steamy showers together. I miss being slapped on my behind as I walk by my man. I miss texting all day while we're at work or school, then talking all night. I miss having someone who is thinking about me just as much as I am thinking about him.

These are only 5 reasons why being single sucks. Grab a bottle of wine and leave your reasons in the pity party (comments box) below. Happy Sweetest Day. Yeah right.


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