Back to School: 5 Ways to Have the Best Year Ever

I'm not what you'd consider a professional student.  A college student who stays in school for many years rather than embarking on a career is often referred to as a  "professional student." I do however, have a love of learning and a thirst for knowledge. 

I finished undergrad Magna Cum Laude and will start the Executive MBA program this fall. Eventually, I will earn a Ph.D. As an exceptional student, I know what it takes to have a successful semester. Are you going back to school,or considering it? Here are 5 ways to have the best year ever! 

5 Ways to Have the Best Year Ever

5. Establish Your WHY

Why did you enroll? Why did you choose this institution? Why are you here? If you answered I don't know to either question, you may need to seek counsel from an Academic Coach. You must have a reason for going to school otherwise you won't be motivated to finish. Do you want to learn new skills? Meet new people? Earn a degree in order to earn a higher salary? Find your why and use it as fuel to push you through the challenging phases.

5 Ways to Have the Best Year Ever

4. Set Goals

Goal setting gives us reminders of our why. Setting goals also helps us stay on track and keep our focus on the ultimate goal which is graduating. It's important to set goals to have a sense of direction and a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Most coaches recommend setting SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.

5 Ways to Have the Best Year Ever

3. Get Involved

Going to class and then straight home can become mundane and boring. Join a club or organization on campus. Attend talks, seminars, and other events funded by the Office of Student Life. Participate in volunteer trips. Be active on campus to make new friends, add to your resume, and learn something interesting about the world and yourself.

5 Ways to Have the Best Year Ever

2. Dress like a CEO

Skip the pajamas and flip flops this semester. "Dress for the job you want, not for the job you have." I approve this message. In our society, most people equate intelligent, social status and class to how an individual is dressed. 

If a man walks into a room with a nice fitting dark colored suit and shiny shoes, what's your immediate perception of him? When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good you perform better. When you perform better you'll see gratifying results. 

5 Ways to Have the Best Year Ever

1. Commit!

Most people drop out of college because they don't feel a sense of belonging. Commit to finding your why. Commit to creating and achieving your goals. Commit to a club or organization. Commit to dressing for success. Follow through with your ultimate goal of wearing your cap and gown across that stage, and completing your degree. Finish strong and don't be afraid to ask for help emotionally, academically or financially. You can do this! Don't give up!

These are just 5 ways to have the best year ever. Follow these tips and you'll have the best year of your academic life! Feel free to share any tips you may have in the comments! 


  1. Interesting article....good luck for next article.

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