New Relationship Recap Month 8

 New Relationship Recap Month 8: No Longer Counting the Days

The Merging Phase: Us is our new normal. Life is full of us's, we's, and ours. We are growing accustomed to living life together. It is now autumn. We have made it through another season. We are in Louisiana while Chris finishes up a contract with a global oil company. We chose to come here together. Otherwise, we would have been four hours apart for about four weeks. It was a no for me when it came to long distance love. I am blessed to be able to work anywhere. It has given me the freedom to fly co-pilot with my lover.

As the months progress, we are developing a deeper understanding of each other's moods, behaviors and patterns. Conflicts and disagreements are resolved much more swiftly, and we have learned to speak each other's languages. 

We still have date night every single week. I still look forward to it every time. This week is my week to plan. It's our last date night in New Orleans and we are going to play mini golf and shoot pool together. I must admit, date nights out of state have been so much fun! Our first date here was dinner at Bobby Herbert's Cajun Cannon. We shared this huge smoking drink, that was served fishbowl style! Then we went to an upscale restaurant near Bourbon Street called GW Fins. Last week we had a date day brunch at Another Broken Egg. It has been such a thrill building our relationship out of state!

We both love adventure and spontaneity. This was a perfect getaway for us individually and as a couple. 

We are committed to this relationship and the ups and downs that come with it. It takes effort and energy to keep this union alive. However, it is becoming more and more mutually beneficial. We are rapidly approaching the one year mark. That is a huge milestone for me. I cannot remember the last time I was in a serious healthy relationship for more than one year. The difference now is that I actually want this to work, and so does Chris. Do we still have a lot to learn? Absolutely. 

Meanwhile, we will remain lovers and friends, continue to work together, and cherish one another. As long as we stay consistent, I truly believe we will be together for the rest of our lives.

I'm looking forward to the next phase of our relationship; moving in together, saving for a house together, and creating special memories and traditions together. New Orleans was just the beginning...


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