This ASUS laptop is giving me the blues! I purchased it form my University bookstore in September and it's broken down twice since then. This is a brand spankin new computer, never been used by anyone before me. Why is this thing giving me all this trouble????

What's happening is it's going completely dead. The charger won't charge, no lights come on, and the power button won't turn the darn thing on. I've spent almost $50 on the shipping box from FedEx to send this thing back to the manufacturer. Can ASUS reimburse me for that? I'm going to ask. My tech savvy friends say that I may have purchased a lemon. What is this a used car lot?? How is a brand new touchscreen laptop a lemon?!

I'm trying to keep cool seeing that my financial aid money allowed me to purchase this computer after my faithful Dell computer's hard drive crashed. But I need my laptop for school, to write my book, to make my videos, and to listen to new beats on loud speakers. Why have I become so dependent on technology? There is nothing like my own personal computer. Nothing else compares to it, not the library, not my tablet, not my cell phone. I need this computer to be fixed once and for all. But the harsh reality is, it will most likely go out again and they'll have to send me a whole new one.

I don't want a new one. I like this one! Plus, I'm going have to back up all of my data and have to save it on Google drive or on a flash drive, or create a cloud. I don't care to do all that extra stuff when I have a perfectly new computer that is only 4 months old.

My mother purchased my first lap top for me in 2009. She bought me the cutest pink Dell Inspiron laptop, and that computer was good to me. I called her Pinky. She traveled with me all across the states. I took her everywhere with me, from Los Angeles to Houston, Texas. I made hundreds of YouTube videos with her. I had thousands of documents saved on her. I wrote my book Shine Sistah Shine with her. She was my loyal companion for over 5 years. She even hung in there when I burned out the original charger. Her hard drive crashed in August of 2015, one week after school started. I was forced to lay her to rest, and "upgrade" to this fancy touch screen ASSus. What a mistake.

I mean, I love showing off my touch screen to my friends and family that come over. That's cool and all, but I'll take a reliable standard laptop over a fancy lemon any day.

People have suggested that I get a Mac computer, but I've never liked using Mac. Apple products seem to cater more to tech heads. I'm not into electronics and new technologically advanced toys and products. I'd rather have my Pinky back! I'd rather have a Dell. I just want a laptop that's going to last for a few years so that I can make my 800 + YouTube videos, finish my second book, and finish school with. Is that too much to ask?

On a more positive note, the Asus customer service representative was great. I actually got the same guy Adrian both times. What are the odds of that? He was wonderful, and I hope I get him when I call and ask for my box reimbursement.

Please fix my laptop once and for all Asus. I don't mean to be a negative Nakita, but two times in less than four months? Come on, you've got to do better than that.


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