Breaking Up With Broke

 I'm done. It's not going to work for me anymore. I've been here for 37 years. Why wouldn't I be fed up? Why wouldn't I be over it? Why wouldn't I be ready to walk away from all of the depression, tears, anxiety, sadness, humiliation, frustration and false hope and promises? 

I've always said two things I'd never understand were men and math. Well, with math, I put my mind to it and was connected with a great teacher. I passed math and went on to earn two college degrees. With men, after two divorces, the man I met back in August is now my boyfriend and I understand him. It's almost been a year with him and it's been healthy and beautiful. 

Now, it's time to conquer money and finances. No more lack. No more poverty. No more borrowing. No more debt. No more sleepless nights and tear stained pillows due to poor spending habits and bad financial decisions. No more threats of repossessions and evictions. No more looking at my nails, hair, eyebrows, outfits, toes, and skin with pity because I can't afford to maintain my beauty regimen. No more. I'm so over it.

I have already packed my bags, got the U Haul, purchased the storage unit, and setup a new place to live. I've changed my mailing address and have forwarded my mail to abundance town. I was born poor. I refuse to die poor. I take full responsibility for where I am in my life financially. I haven't been saving. I've been over spending. I've been racking up debt. I have not kept a job for more than a year since 2011. It's my fault.

And since I had the power to get myself here, I have that same power to get myself out of here and into the land of the rich. It all starts with mindset and education. Then, accountability, support, and building good habits. I'm not saying it will be fast and easy. Getting rich isn't quick. But at this age, it won't take me a lifetime. I know I can get to where I want to be in 5 years if I stay the course. Well, lets take a look at the course.

  1. Consistent income from a career that I actually like and am interested in so that I will stay and not quit or get terminated from in 90 days or less.
  2. Pay off all debts. I'm so over debt. Debt is a disease. Owing someone takes all your power and control away and people look down on you and treat you like a child when you can't pay your own way.
  3. Don't overspend. Spending too much on fancy dinners or expensive gifts is just a waste of money. I will not get to a true level of financial freedom if I'm already spending like a millionaire.
  4. Save up money for when life happens. I now see the importance of having 3-6 months worth of household expenses saved up. This is just me being my own bank and my own savior. That way I won't have to beg and borrow when money gets funny. I'm staying in control of my life. Because most times, no one is coming to save you.
  5. Investments and multiple streams of income. One salary isn't going to suffice. I will need to have money coming in from several sources monthly.
  6. Scaling my business. Creating high ticket coaching and courses will help bring substantial amounts of income.
  7. Splitting monthly expenses. Having a partner or roommate will help keep expenses lower than if I had to pay for them all by myself. 
I'm at peace with my decision to leave broke behind. It's a positive and healthy choice I need to make for myself and my family. Broke is no longer serving me. Broke is trying to kill me and bring me down. Broke wants me to be miserable, struggling, and not living my best life. I refuse to be with broke anymore. It's over. 

Will I miss the comfort zone of mindless spending and splurging? Of course at times. Will I miss not budgeting, not being disciplined with my finances, and blowing money carelessly? Absolutely. At this point, it's stay or go. There is no on the fence, there is no middle ground. You're either poor or rich. I am rich. I choose wealth, freedom and prosperity financially speaking. I deserve it. I'm going to earn it. it won't be easy but I can do hard things. 

It's over broke. I'm better than you. I'm stronger than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm wiser than you. I believe in myself and my money making abilities. NO more negative bank accounts. No more envy of others with loads of money. No more bill collectors calling my phone. No more disconnection notices from utility companies. No more giving away my financial power. No more couch companies calling my mother's phone telling her what I owe. No more people telling me I need a job. No more Zelle requests and cash app requests for loans from family members. No more people looking down on me because I can't take care of my financial responsibilities.

No more calls for rental assistance and strangers coming into my space all up in my business. No more food pantries. No more lies. No more guilt. No more shame. You've done enough broke. I'll take it from here. We're broken up. It's over. We are no longer an item, we are no longer a thing. We are no longer connected. You are banned from my life forever. In the famous words of Michael Kyle: 

"So long, see ya sucker, bon voyage, arrivederci, later loser, goodbye, good riddance, peace out, let the doorknob hit ya where the good Lord split ya, don't come back round here no more no more, hasta la vista baby, kick rocks, and get the hell out. 

Hello happiness, money, riches, wealth, financial freedom, prosperity, abundance, peace, the good life, the lap of luxury, big money, dollars, millions, altruism, financial literacy and education, bountiful bank accounts, life and money in the black.


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