Developing a Millionaire Mindset: 3 Ways to Visualize Your Way to Wealth

Developing a Millionaire Mindset: 3 Ways to Visualize Your Way to Wealth

The other day I played the millionaire game. I asked myself the question, "If I had a million dollars right now what would I do." Here's what I would do if I woke up tomorrow with a million dollars in my bank account. 
  • Buy a big beautiful home and furnish it. $300,000 budget. Five bedrooms, six bathrooms, theater room, two levels, pool and Jacuzzi. Southeast Houston area.
  • Purchase my dream car certified pre-owned 2020 Porsche Macan White. $25,000. Fix up my Mazda 3 $2000.
  • Max out my Roth IRA, 529 College Savings, pay off all debts.
  • Figure out how to invest some money in order to allow my money to make more money for me effortlessly.
  • Go shopping and buy lots of cool clothes, shoes, and experiences.
  • Set up a trust fund for my son.
  • Pay off my godparents home.
  • Buy my significant other a really nice car.
That's what I would do if I had one million dollars. What would you do? Go ahead and try it. Imagine what you would do? Who would you help? What would you buy?

For many of us, becoming a millionaire will start with a simple thought. Everything starts with a thought. Thoughts become things. That is why visualization is so important. Honestly, in this life we must believe it before we can see it. In this post, I'll share my tips to help you develop a millionaire mindset. Here are 3 ways to visualize your way to wealth.

 3 Ways to Visualize Your Way to Wealth

1. Spend more time doing nothing. 

Yes, that's right.Sit down, relax, take a nap, meditate, quiet your mind, and do some nothing. The greatest ideas come to a mind that is silent and in receptive mode. Have you ever been in the shower listening to the water and tuning out the rest of the world. Then all of sudden a million dollar idea popped into your mind? Have more of those moments.

 3 Ways to Visualize Your Way to Wealth

2. Practice the feeling of being wealthy.
Our feelings are great indicators of the things we will attract in the future. When you are feeling good, more good things happen to you. When you are feeling anger, depression or hate, more negative things come your way. 

How can you practice the feeling of being wealthy, if you've never been wealthy before? It's simple. You practice the feelings associated with the wealth that you'd like to accumulate. Ultimately, it's not even about the money, the land, or the expensive clothes. You want to feel freedom, peace, and stability. Use your powerful mind to sit and visualize how life will be once you are in your mansion. What does it smell like? What do you see out the window? What temperature is the thermostat set at? Have fun and daydream. Keep these good feelings with you throughout the day and record the changes that you notice as the weeks go by.

3. Do more of what feels good and easy.
When you follow your bliss, it won't steer you wrong. Have you ever been doing an activity that you enjoyed, and you were so consumed by it that you lost track of time? You were in the zone. You were being productive and "working." Yet, it didn't feel like work. Doing more of what makes you happy will lead you to wealth. The struggling, grinding, and stress will only push it further away. More walks in nature, more writing, singing, creating, building, designing, socializing, and smiling will show you the way to wealth.

Don't rush the process. Whether you are 25 or 65, take life one day at a time. Don't hurry through the garden of life and miss the beautiful flowers along the way. Take some time to stop and smell the flowers. In those quiet and subtle moments of pleasure, your mind will be open, not distracted. Let the inspiration flow to you. Wealth is only a thought away. 


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