He Was Drunk

This past Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014, I was driving home from picking my son up from daycare. I stopped at a red light and I glanced in my rear view like I do every so often to check out what's behind me. I then saw a vehicle rapidly approaching and began to plan how to avoid it just in case. With no room to maneuver either way, I braced myself for impact. Without panicking, and trusting my seat belt, as well as my son's properly installed car seat, we took the hit.

My first instinct told me to make sure my son was OK, and then to get out the car and grab the hitter by the neck and shake him up like I was the incredible Hulk. My adrenaline had my temper on 10, and somebody was going to get mauled by putting my 2 year old son in danger like that. 

However, as I'm getting out of my car, the person who hit us sped off and drove away. I stood there in the middle of the street with my hands raised like "REALLY??" With my adrenaline still rushing, I hurried back to my car, unaware of the damage, and tried to chase down the guy who hit us. I couldn't find him, so I pulled into a McDonald's parking lot and called the cops. As soon as I reported the accident to the police, the officer asked me if the car was a gold Chrysler. It was. When the driver attempted a hit and run, a good Samaritan called the police and they found him trying to hide out in a Giant Eagle parking lot. WOW... 

Throughout the entire time, I had to stay calm because if I started screaming and going ballistic, my son would've done the same. All he kept repeating in his cute little voice was, "Mommy the car is broken!" After analyzing his body, and trusting my motherly intuition I saw that my toddler was fine. No glass had broken and he didn't have a scratch on him. He could move his neck, walk, and wasn't complaining about anything hurting. I had the ambulance check him out again to make sure. I was fine too, just some minor back spasms which is normal after being rear ended like that. 

My poor little Nissan Sentra was totaled though. 

Putting everything in perspective, I'm just glad that we're both OK. It could've been so much worse. My two year old son could have been seriously injured or killed, I could have ran into the person in front of me, or the driver who hit us could have flown out of his car and died. I know there was a hedge of protection and a shield around us supplied by the Most High. For some reason He keeps saving me from death, danger and destruction, grateful-grateful-grateful-gratefulness...

I'll get another car, something even better than before. The rubbish will be cleaned from the streets, and the police and insurance will file away the papers. But best of all my son and I walked away free from hurt and harm. 
When the police arrived and gave me more information, the Sergeant told me that the driver was drunk. He also had several prior arrests and fled the scene to avoid going back to jail. I guess, I could see how he didn't want to go to jail, but you don't just leave people for dead like that. Have some common courtesy for human life. Thankfully, his wife has up to date insurance and I'll be reimbursed soon. 

I actually got into an accident a few months ago where I was at fault. I backed into a lady in Cleveland Heights, rushing to get to my son's doctors appointment (he wasn't in the car that time). I didn't run away. My license and insurance were

legit. and I knew I was at fault so I parked my car, and waited for the cops. Nobody was injured, and we both drove our cars away from the scene. I completely understand that accidents happen, but be accountable and responsible. 

Since me and my kid are fine I'm not going to lawyer up or fake injuries to get paid. That would be dishonest and I wouldn't want anybody doing that to me. the insurance will cover my car and my husband can chauffeur me around until I get my BMW ;-). 

Happy Holidays! DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!


  1. I hate to hear of people drinking & driving. I've done it before. Had a couple of drinks, thought that I was fine & driven home. Thank GOD for keeping me safe, because I was not fine! I was stupid, irresponsible, & disregarding of my life as well as others. If you've been drinking, get a taxi or designated driver because the damage caused won't be worth it

    1. Or Uber LOL! You're right Nikki, it's super duper unsafe. I thank God that we both were fine. I try to hang out close to home so I can just walk or ride with someone. Or make the one friend who doesn't drink tag along.


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