You Scared, or nah?

FEAR. It has many acronyms. Failure Expected And Received... False Evidence Appearing Real... Forgetting Everything's All Right... Those are just a few. Fear causes us to do strange things. Have you ever seen those prank videos on YouTube? There was one popular prank a few years ago, where the pranker would have the victim play a simple maze game. The game seems so easy, and usually the unexpected victim breezes through level after level, until all of a sudden a half dead looking zombie girl pops up onto the screen. I saw a guy punch a hole in his computer because he was so scared! Fear can be a powerful force which consumes us. 

Sometimes fear will make us miss out on once in a lifetime opportunities, or even love. 

Often times we stay in unhealthy situations out of fear. We stay at our jobs for years and years even though we hate working there. We often fear poverty and failure. We stay in bad relationships and marriages because we fear loneliness and lack of stability. Fear can stagnate our destinies. If we allow it to, fear can keep us from reaching our dreams and accomplishing our goals. 

I often see this quote about fear, "Feel the fear, and do it anyway." To me, that means that we will feel fearful from time to time, but the feeling of fear shouldn't stop us from taking action. I'm usually most fearful when I'm asking for something. Whether it be a raise, a discount, or for an opportunity to speak at an event or function. One of my biggest fears is rejection. I do not like being told no, although in my life I've been told no plenty of times. Whenever I feel those butterflies in my stomach, I know it's nothing but nerves and fear. But I've learned through most of my experiences, that whatever I'm asking for will be worthwhile, otherwise my spirit wouldn't give me such strong signals. 

I remember one night I was at the grand opening of an Italian restaurant in downtown Cleveland called Chinato. I had recently written a great poem about the city of Cleveland and I was looking for opportunities to share it on a larger scale throughout the city. My friend Sam immediately sat up straight in his seat and said, "Hey that's Andrea Vecchio from the Channel 3 morning show!" 
Being an optimist, I thought maybe I could be on the show! Then, naturally fear crept in. I started to doubt myself saying things like, "Who am I? Nobody knows me, she'll never even talk to me." I said to Sam, "Should I go say something?" He insisted that I did. So, after taking a huge gulp of my Merlot, I squeezed my eyes tightly, got up from my chair, and proceeded to go introduce myself to this tall beautiful woman. 

Not only did she entertain my conversation, but she gave me her email address and told me to send her the poem. A few days later, I was performing my original poem "Positively Cleaveland" live on the morning show!!! I'm so glad that I decided to feel the fear, and do it anyway! The conversation could have went either way, but I would've never known the outcome had I never asked. 

Depending on what's important to you, nothing should stop you from being happy, successful, and peaceful. I refuse to let any fears deter me from living out my wildest dreams. No relationship, no dead end job, no fear of failure or rejection will halt my success. I've made up my mind that I've come too far, have too many gifts and talents, and am too determined and convinced to let anything block me from achieving greatness. Will you continue to walk your path to greatness? Will you be courageous enough to follow your bliss and passion no matter what obstacles come your way?

You scared, or nah?


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