Another shout out to the father of my child! He's such a great dad. He's preparing for his annual middle school All-Star basketball tournament, yet he had to take a break and come see our son. 

Today, I needed a bit of a break. I had to finish three art projects for my color theory class, write my weekly blog post for my writing internship, and study for two upcoming midterm exams. My brain is still overloaded with several essays that I need to finish for a few scholarship opportunities. In addition to fulfilling my new commitment to a 22 day financial/budgeting plan, and anxiety of being accepted as a Student Ambassador, Student Fellow, and summer intern at The Cleveland Foundation. I was in the middle of watching a few YouTube videos that would help me prepare my art portfolio, when I heard that famous knock on my window. 

My son ran to the door. His dad eagerly scooped him up. Once his dad and I made eye contact, it was silent confirmation of my break.


I immediately retreated to a much needed shower. I felt a huge wave of relief. I took a deep breath and was instantly calm. 

My son is a joy to be around. He's very well behaved and he is not a bother. However, even when I'm working (especially with paints), I have to be mindful of his activities, and concentrate on the task at hand. I must also answer his questions, open the juice, make grilled cheese, help him use the toilet, sing my part in nursery rhymes, and put on the Barney dvd. Being a caretaker is nonstop. You never know when duty calls, but you're always on stand by.

With so much information, dates, thoughts,and worries consistently bouncing off of both sides of my brain, I need a moment to Woo Sah. I am blessed and grateful to have a tag team partner to take me out of the game for recuperation. I feel like I'm a better mom after I release some of the day to day mental stress. I don't take our partnership for granted because I know dozens of moms who hardly get to take a 10 minute vacay from motherhood. Lucky for me, my son's father takes him just about every weekend and every other holiday. I can honestly say, I get adequate mommy time and mommy breaks. 

Love truly conquers all. The love that we have for our child outweighs any minor discrepancies about the past. Our commitment to his success and well-being make it easy to co-parent. I respect the relationship that they have, and I will continue to do whatever I can to help build their bond.

So thanks again to Ryan's dad. We're raising an awesome boy. We're showing him teamwork, compromise, and compassion. Much love.


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