He's Perfect

I recently met the perfect guy for me! He's everything I've ever wanted in a man. Let's go down the list shall we?
This is everything that he is:

1.) Tall, muscular and athletic (works out regularly)
2.) Dark skin tone
3.) Handsome
4.) Educated (Bachelor's degree)
5.) Gainfully Employed (Engineer)
6.) Man of God (active in his church, reads his Bible)
7.) Gentleman
8.) Already has his own kids (I don't want anymore)
9.) Family Man
10.) Well groomed (keeps a nice trimmed beard, hair cut neatly, well dressed)
11.) Funny (Has a sense of humor)
12.) Conversational (can hold a conversation without strange pauses)
13.) Business Minded (ambitious and entrepreneurial)
14.) Compatible with me (his birthday is one day after mine... awwwww!!!)
15.) Similar Interests (likes to read, loves his children, goal setter)
16.) Taken.... (He's in a relationship)

Damn, Damn, Damn!!!! 

Now before you judge me, listen to how it all went down. Apparently, he and I have mutual followers on IG. He ran across my profile somehow and liked and commented on some of my post. Then wouldn't you know it, it started goin down in the DM. (Not like that. He started sending me direct messages on IG, nothing inappropriate.)

This went on for a month or two. So I decided to check out his page. There were mostly inspirational pictures and quotes. I like that. Then I saw pictures of him and mentally gave him a RIAR!! (That means he is fine!) We kept messaging one another for a week or so, then I ask if he'd like to exchange numbers.

Ladies, this is where I ignored red flag #1.

He gon tell me, (pardon my ebonics). But he gon tell me he only gives out his personal number for business matters. 

I said OK. I mean, I can respect that. Maybe he's had some crazy stalkers in the past. Or maybe he really doesn't give out his number. Nonetheless, I paid it no mind. Then a few weeks later, here he comes again with the direct messages. By this time, I know he's interested. I told him straight up, "this is the last time I'm going to ask if you'd like to exchange numbers. Would you like to?" Of course he said yes. 

Red Flag #2.

We didn't "exchange" numbers. He asked for mine, and I gave it to him. 

He called me right then and we had the most gorgeous conversation! We were vibing and laughing, having a beautiful talk. He seemed super cool, and confident. I mean his swag was almost dripping through my Android. We talked about everything from family, to business, to education. Just good conversation all around. 

After we were on the phone for about a half an hour, he tells me he has to get to back to work. Then I realized that we touched a bit on relationships. We'd both been divorced. However, I never asked him about his current relationship status. I'm the queen of single right now, so I let that be known early on. But I never asked him if he was single. I couldn't end the conversation without knowing his status before I let him go. 
{I've been at fault in prior situations for not asking up front if a guy had a girlfriend, and assuming he was single. Then finding out he was in a relationship all along, but since I didn't ask he didn't tell...} 

So I asked if he was seeing someone. He didn't really hesitate. It was more of a comfortable pause. His tone of voice did change though, but I respected his honesty. He told me he was in a relationship with the mother of his youngest child. 



Why use me as a selfish escape from your boring or unsatisfying relationship? Why engage in a lovely conversation, knowing it was headed no where? I know the difference between a business conversation and flirting. Trust me, it was ALL flirting and no business. Why dude? 

Because I let you.

I ignored the signs. I bypassed the red flags. Curiosity killed the cat.

I still think he's an entire jerk and a half. However, I can't say that I regret having the conversation. It really did put a smile on my face.  

Oh well. More fish in the sea. Right? 

Stupid jerk face. 



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