Cuffing Season

It's December. The snow is falling. The roads are icy. The hearts of many a Mid-Westerner are now open. It's officially cuffing season!

What is cuffing season? Well, for people who reside in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, New York, and Michigan, cuffing season is the time of year when everyone finds a winter bae. Cuffing season marks the beginning of thousands of semi-permanent relationships.

I mean come on, nobody likes to be cold and lonely during the winter months. There's nothing more satisfying than having a warm body to snuggle up with on those frosty snow days. With a plethora of winter activities to engage in such as: snow boarding, skiing, tobogganing, ice skating, and a good old fashioned snow ball fight, who wouldn't want a special someone to hang out with during this time?

Personally, I'm not engaging in this year's cuffing season activities. No sir. No ma'am. I'm too evolved for winter flings that die off with the rising of flowers in spring. Nope. Not me. If a man tries to lure me in this cuffing season, he's going to be in for a huge surprise. If we go together now, we go together forever! I'm seriously just kidding but being for real.

At 30 years old I'm not interested in any temporary love affairs. I'm aging out of the cuffing season trend. I'm looking towards the future, as in marriage, stability, family, more children. That's just where I am in my life. So fellas, please leave me be if all you want is a 4-month fairy tale. As an Earth sign, my feet are firmly planted and I know exactly what I want. Love Lockdown. Serious Commitment. Growth. The Real Deal. Love me or leave me all the way alone.

So to all of you newly cuffed couples,congratulations! The winter will seem less frigid. The days will fly by as you are wrapped in a frozen enchantment of bliss. Just prepare yourself for the inevitable defrost come April/May.

To the relationships developed during cuffing season that will actually prevail, I congratulate and applaud you!

Happy Cuffing Season!


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