Rocking It In Houston

Rocking It In Houston

In 2015, I wrote a post called "Houston Rock It." I wrote about my desire to move to Houston. I mentioned how I longed to be in Texas with my sister, brother in law, and my nephew. Now, I have two nephews, a bachelor's degree and a new attitude. And on December 12th, 2017, my 5 year old son and I took the leap and finally moved to Houston, Texas.

Why? Life is short. I didn't want to live with the regret of never experiencing Houston.

The most difficult part of moving from Ohio to Texas, was the separation of my son and his dad. It was a tough decision to take my son away from his loving father. However, I knew that I could create a better life for us by changing our environment.

After only one month in Houston, I've found employment, started the home purchasing process, and attended a Toastmasters meeting. I've made huge strides already and it's only been 33 days.

With that said, I hope my move will encourage you to move. Maybe not all the way to Texas, but I hope you take one step closer to following your dreams. Get out of your comfort zone. Try something new! You don't want to be the elderly man or woman with a list of regrets. Wouldn't you rather be the person sharing stories about how you actually LIVED life?

I once heard a quote that said, "Don't die with your music still inside of you." Are you playing your tunes or dancing to the rhythm of someone else's beat?

Moving to Houston has been on my mind for over 10 years. I finally trusted myself enough to make the move. Do you trust yourself? Do you believe in yourself? I believe in you. I believe there is something that you have been wanting to do for a long time. You've been wanting to do this, but you've been so afraid to do it. Your fear has paralyzed you.

Newsflash: The fear will not go away. You have to feel the fear and do it anyway. You've got to trust yourself. And even if it doesn't workout, at least you tried.

Don't live with regrets. Find your Houston, and make that move!


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