Dr. Axe's Top 25 Uses for Peppermint Oil

Dr. Axe's Top 25 Uses for Peppermint Oil

Today, my sister gave me a diffuser for my room. We started off using grapefruit oil. However, with the traffic of three boys, it didn't work out initially. Once the boys settled down, I refilled the diffuser with water and a few drops of peppermint oil. 

Here are the top 25 uses for peppermint oil, according Dr. Axe. 

Top 25 Uses for Peppermint Oil

#1 Muscle Pain Relief
Peppermint oil can be used as a natural pain killer and muscle relaxant. Try this homemade muscle rub recipe by Dr. Axe.

#2 Sinus Care 
Inhaling diffused peppermint oil can unclog sinuses, relieve scratchy throats, and may provide relief from colds, cough, asthma and bronchitis.

#3 Joint Therapy
For achy joints, apply peppermint oil and lavender oil. It brings a cooling sensation that's similar to an ice bath, while staying dry.

#4 Reduce Hunger Cravings
Inhaling peppermint oil can curb your appetite. When dieting, try applying a few drops to your temples and chest.

#5 Natural Energizer
Deeply inhaling peppermint oil energizes you. If you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, may help improve your focus and concentration.

#6 Improve Your Shampoo
Stimulate your scalp by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to your shampoo and conditioner. This also helps to reduce dandruff and lice.

#7 Allergy Relief
Peppermint oil is highly effective at relaxing muscles in your nasal passage. To reduce allergies, Dr. Axe recommends diffusing peppermint, clove oil and eucalyptus oil.

#8 ADHD Support
Spritzing peppermint oil on your child's shirt, or placing one drop under his or her nose may improve concentration and alertness.

#9 Anti-Itch
Mixing peppermint oil with lavender oil can soothe any itch, from a rash to poison ivy. 

#10 Fever Reducer
Peppermint oil has a natural cooling effect. Mix peppermint oil with coconut oil, and rub it on your child's neck and the bottom of his or her feet to stabilize a fever. This can be used in place of Ibuprofen. 

#11 Natural Bug Repellent
Ticks, mice, lice, cockroaches, ants, spiders and mosquitoes all hate peppermint oil. 

#12 Skin Health
Peppermint has calming effects on skin inflammation. Mix peppermint oil with lavender oil to improve eczema and psoriasis.

#13 Acne Treatment
Due to it's antimicrobial properties, peppermint oil is an effective ingredient for natural acne cures.

#14 Headache Cure
Apply peppermint oil to the forehead and temples to improve circulation, relax tense muscles and heal the gut (these conditions are known to cause migraines or tension headache).

#15 Hair Growth
Peppermint oil is known to nourish and thicken damaged hair. It may also stop thinning and hair loss.

#16 Sunburn Relief
Apply peppermint oil mixed with coconut oil to hydrate burnt skin.

#17 Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Treatment
Take peppermint oil internally in capsule form. A study shared on pubmed.com showed a 50 percent reduction of IBS symptoms in 75 percent of the patients who used it.

#18 Improve Bloating and Digestion
Try peppermint oil tea, or adding one drop of peppermint oil to your water to relax the muscles of your intestines. This may reduce bloating and gas.

#19 Freshen Breath and Reduce Cavities
Place one drop of peppermint oil under your tongue, followed by a glass of water. This will freshen your breath and reduce cavities.

#20 Reduce Nausea
Peppermint oil may reduce nausea brought on by chemotherapy. Try adding a drop to water,or rubbing 1-2 drops behind the ears.

#21 Respiratory Benefits
Peppermint oil is able to act as a decongestant. Mix with eucalyptus oil and coconut oil to make a vapor rub and help with symptoms from asthma and bronchitis.

#22 Colic
Mix peppermint oil with coconut oil; 1:1 ratio, and rub on the gum area.

#23 Teething 
For pain relief, mix peppermint oil with coconut oil; 1:1 ratio, and rub on the gum area.

#24 Balance hormones and relieve symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PCOS
Use peppermint oil as a therapy for PCOS and balancing hormones.

#25 Cancer Treatment
According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, peppermint oil contains the compound menthol. Menthol inhibits prostate cancer growth. Peppermint also protects against DNA damage and cell death from radiation.

You can find peppermint essential oil at any health food store or drug store nearest you. A small bottle will last you along time. It will probably cost anywhere between $9-$29 depending on the store and brand. With all of these uses,I will always keep some on hand. I suggest the same for you! Hope this info helps. thanks Dr. Axe!


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