Procrastination Nation

Back to school today, after Spring Break and I'm feeling refreshed! I'm feeling motivated, calm, and focused. I still have a few assignments to catch up on in History and Psychology, but once I knock those out the box I'll be completely in balance. I cannot allow myself to get behind and be forced into an uncomfortable corner. The pressure of playing catch up turns into stress, and I do not do well with stress. It's so funny that on today, I'm so amped and geeked up about finishing this semester on top, yet I waited until the very last day to start my take home test in Geography. Sometimes I tend to spend way too much time in "Procrastination Nation" causing me to rush and get things done at the last minute. As I get older, I'm realizing that I work extremely well under pressure in fields of my passion. I can write a poem, or a short story 30 minutes prior to delivering it, and it's going to be amazing. On the other hand, if I wait until the night before a 5 page essay on the importance of the Erie Canal, it will be a disaster.

I'm so glad that I have plenty of time to get back on track and finish strong. I'm so in love with myself for having the wisdom to get some "act right" and get on the ball. After I finish this semester and graduate with my two year degree, I'll be taking a break from school for a few years. I just can't go through another year of writing papers, and checking syllabi, and sitting in boring lectures about topics I have no interest in. I'll be looking for paid internships and entry-level career positions in journalism, public relations and teaching. I need to speak and write for a living, no ifs ands or buts about it. My daily work must revolve around reading, writing, and speaking on issues I feel strongly about. I'd love to continue doing social media for non-profit organizations, I'd really enjoy being a teacher's assistant at a high school or college in the English Department, (preferably Speech Communication). I've even been thinking about being an on-air radio personality...

The possibilities are present and seemingly endless. In addition to my career in writing and speaking, I'll continue to publish my books and do my poetry. I like feeling motivated and excited about the future. I really do believe my life is going to change exponentially once I have some accredited education under my belt. Although, I still feel like this is only the beginning.

At 27, I've not even begun to reach  my prime. At 35, beware, because I'm going to be a powerhouse, and a force to be reckoned with.

2022... I'm coming for you....


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