Regrets Part II

In January, I posted a blog about learning to live with regrets. It was about a "warrant block" I had on my license. Now at that time, I wasn't thinking about a car really. I mean, I've always wanted my own car again, and I knew that I'd eventually get another one, but all the steps and procedures of the car buying process were far from my mind. Fast forward to two months later, and voila! I am the new owner of a cool little Nissan Sentra, similar to the one my sister has that she's allowed me to drive for many, many miles. So, you look for cars, online, in ads, at dealerships, and you find one that you like. Next, you go look at it, (with a certified mechanic of course), everything checks out. It's a used car, so it ain't gonna be perfect, but you get a great deal, sign the notarized title, and drive home in your new ride. Then, you go to the title bureau to get the title in your name and pay the taxes and fees. After that, you go to the license bureau, and get your plates, unless you need an E-Check. While waiting on your 30-day tags, you are told that there is a block on your account... What do you do now? Well, you drive all the way out to Parma, sit and wait for about an hour, and finally get back to the cashier, who tells you that you need a release form from the city of Cleveland and pay a $15 fine. By this time it's already 3:30pm and everything shuts down at 5:00pm, so you pay the fine, and plan it all out for tomorrow. The next day, you go downtown, pay the $225.00 to get the warrant block released, take the paper work back out to Parma, and everything is good again. Then you go to the conveniently located license bureau next door to get your tags, but unfortunately, you've left your title in the car, at home... Soooooo, you go home, get the title, go back to the license bureau, pay the $18.50 for the temporary tags, and at long last it's all just about over. After a simple call to the insurance company, you're finally finished! A long process for a worthy cause.

The thing about the whole situation is, I've never been one to get into trouble with the law. So when I saw "warrant block" I was oblivious to the fact that that means there was an active warrant out for my arrest. I haven't gotten pulled over since 2009 when the initial encounter took place, therefore I had no idea. Also, I haven't lived at the address they have on file since back then. It was a slight bump in the road, but thank God it's all cleared up now. God willing, I can drive to school tomorrow in MY OWN car, for the first time ever! I'm so happy and grateful for my new blessing and I'm looking forward to taking good care of it, and blessing others with it as well.

This was an awesome opportunity to take care of something I screwed up years ago. I'm just thankful for the chance to fix it, and the resources to get it squared away. Only a few more things to clear up and then... #Iaintgotnoworries


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