Soul to Soul

It's amazing to me how some people really rub off on you. I mean, you have to allow yourself to be open to letting the persons personality fuse with your own, but it's beautiful to me how the people we admire most, we start to emulate their behaviors. We start to talk like them, use their same gestures and mannerisms, our sense of humors become similar, and we may even start to dress, eat, and walk alike. I know of two fascinating people, both close to my heart, that have become like each other's Gemini. Sometimes I see them in their own element, whether on stage or in a photo, or out at an event, but I'll see traces of the other in everything one of them does. It astounds me how contagious certain spirits are. It's like those couples who are together happily for years and years and they start to look alike. What a wonderful phenomena.

Honestly, if love had a color, I think that's what it would be. The transference of spirits. To me, not even the closeness of intercourse can compare to the fusion of two people in true love. I believe that God is love, and when two people are blessed to find that, there is so much POWER behind that bond. Not just between lovers, but sisters, friends, parent to child, and even animal to owner.

I heard from a classmate today, that when two people get married, the goal is to continue to reach goals. He said that once all the goals are met, and there's nothing left to do, divorce sneaks its way in to a once successful marriage. I'm not saying I agree 100%, but that makes sense to me. Goals always give you something to be excited about, and something to work toward and look forward to together. For instance, my fiance and I are looking at houses, I'll be graduating in May, we have a wedding to plan in Florida, I'll be looking for a career within the next few months, he's going back to school, we have 3 kids between us whom will all (Godwilling), be going to college, we want to travel, the boys play sports year round, We'll both be buying new cars in the next few weeks... So we have plenty to look forward to. My personality is that of one which is constantly evolving, so there's no way I'll stop setting goals and changing my mind too LOL. As for my fiance, he's the type of guy who hates to be bored, he needs a nonstop cycle of events and energy. Since I'm ever-changing, my personality fits his like a glove :-).

I guess now I understand the term Soul Mate. But I do think that your mate becomes your soul mate over time and through friendship. My uncle and my late aunt were Soul Mates, and they were together for 30 years. I think when they met they had lots in common, but I don't think they were soul mates at age 16, I think it's a gradual term of endearment.


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