I'm nothing like them...

One of my biggest fears is becoming just like my parents. I say that to myself and others with the utmost respect intended. I love my parents and as God says I respect them both. However, the decisions that they've made in their lives have amounted to a life of lack. Lack of intimacy, (neither of my parents are married), lack of material possessions and ownership, (neither of my parents are vehicle or homeowners), and lack of money, (both of my parents have zero assets financially, no money saved up for a rainy day). I understand that we all have unique goals and lots in life, but I also believe that our parents are our example and first blueprint in regards to living life.

 Yet, the lifestyle that I ultimately want to live is the complete opposite of my parents. I want to own a home, multiple vehicles, earn a few degrees, enter a career in my field of passion, and make boat loads of money. I want to travel the world and show my son all of the beautiful places and things that I experience. I want to have life insurance, real estate, and a few of my own businesses. I want to have something to leave to my son when I die. In order to do these things, I must basically do the exact opposite of what my parents have done.

When I do see myself following those similar patterns, I immediately step back, check myself and redirect my thoughts and actions. Alcoholism runs in my family so I must be self controlled and disciplined in the presence of alcohol. Education is so important, and although one of my parents has a 4 year degree, it's not a field of study that she is passionate about, and is practically useless. Finances is another issue that must be meticulously addressed. I must discipline myself when it comes to saving, spending, and budgeting. I see the errors of their ways and I refuse to follow those same paths.

 I will achieve my goals and personal success by following the leads of others already in a position that I soon want to be in. I will never blame my parents or use their shortcomings as an excuse for failure. I am not a victim, I am a conqueror, a warrior, and I am in control of my own destiny. Some things are regulated by nature, some things I inherited through my environment and DNA. I'm fine with that, but the other stuff is my choice and I choose to be greater.


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