Learning To Live With Regrets

Yesterday I received my final paycheck from a temporary job with a horrible company called Buy Buy Baby. Don't get me wrong, they have excellent customer service, and awesome products, but they didn't treat me the way I feel a company should treat employees, therefore after collecting my $380 check I will never set foot in another BBB ever again in life. Anywho, I was paying some bills and decided to look online to see if I could pay a DMV bill for $15, because I had a "warrant block" from 2009. So as I'm browsing/surfing the net delving deeper into this vague $15 bill, I uncovered a buried skeleton in my early adult dumb stuff I did closet. 5 years ago, I remember leaving a club on the West Bank of the Flats in Downtown Cleveland. I was going up this street, but I had forgotten it was a one way street, and of course I got pulled over and cited for the matter. This was during my "YOLO" phase, and as stupid as it sounds, I never showed up to my court date. BIG MISTAKE! Now, looking at the case information, I see that I owe $225 and that I have 2, TWO, points on my license!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAGAGAGAGHAAAHHAGAHAHAGHAAHHAHHH!!! The 27 year old me is literally beating down the 22 year old me in my mind. How could I have been so immature and irresponsible? And what's more, I don't think the state of Ohio removes points from residences licenses, there is a point credit system that gives you an additional two point allowance on your license, but I want them OFF! I have no idea where I should start this process especially since the case is closed. I don't remember having any other traffic violations since then, so that's a plus, but I need to clean up this mess. I have a kid now, and I'm getting my life together. I most certainly do not want any points, fines, or fees on my license. So I'll be calling around seeing what I need to do to reopen the case, get these points removed, and get the fine taken care of. I'm sure I'll have to pay something out of pocket, but I'll be praying for mostly community service. Lord, you know my heart and my intentions, but either way, lesson learned. Sometimes in life we do careless things, and we ask ourselves "what on Earth was I thinking?" "If I knew then what I know now." Oh well, it's life, gotta learn to live with regrets.


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