The World is Round

Growing up, I remember my mother would always say, "the world is round for a reason." Basically what I got from that is, what goes around comes around. Usually that phrase holds a negative connotation, however based on my small knowledge of life, the phrase is what one makes it. And for me, it's becoming a bit more elementary. The Universe operates in many ways, and cycles are a system of operation. Just as women have a cycle every month, and nature has a cycle of weather, and we have the water cycle, and we recycle, my life seems to go in cycles as well. I'm finding myself in a familiar cycle, leading up to my last days in Ohio. This cycle is very similar to one I had 4 years ago, before moving to California. Signs are similar, and the Universe is taking control. No matter what I do, I am forced to go with its flow.

As in 2010, everything is lining itself up. All of the loose ends are being cut and tied. For example, I put an ad up on Craigslist, in hopes of selling the some of my sons things: his crib, stroller and other cumbersome and potentially costly items during cross country travel. With Craigslist it's usually hit or miss, which is why I put the ad up 2 months prior to the move. But a few days after I posted the ad, my aunt told me that her two daughters are both expecting, and she'd need all of my sons baby stuff... Wow. Then, my cousin in Dallas sent me the ticket dates, and time of departure, which just so happens to be perfectly timed in relation to my last final, and making it to the airport on time. Things are lining up with divine perfection.

I've even been having plenty of alone time while my son spends time with his father. My brother and sister are both educators in Houston, and last I checked there were over 100 job openings in at least one of their school districts. I feel like I'm a passenger on a speeding train. I know my destination, but I don't know the route, yet I trust the conductor. I really appreciate how the Creator sometimes takes charge of our lives, even though we have free will. I know a lot of times I make dumb and selfish decisions, but it's so good to know that I have a loving Source that watches over me and directs my path when my humanness gets in the way.

As long as I follow the flow, and surrender to it's power, I'm certain everything will work itself out. I honestly feel as though I need to slow down, and spend more time meditating and focusing on God's plan for myself and my son. Sometimes we allow other people to extract our energy. Some days I feel like an unscrewed light bulb, and every time someone twists me to the left or to the right, they take a piece of my light with them. I need to save my light in order to continue to shine. I cannot allow man to dim my light and feed off of my power, spiritually and mentally. I need to pick up the rest of the pieces of my life and walk on.

Another level of liberation is coming in the form of a haircut...


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