Grateful, grateful, gratefulness!

Today at my special time of 4am, I woke up completely sick to my stomach. I'm not sure if it was something I ate, or something I didn't eat, or maybe the onset of one of those 24 hour stomach viruses. Either way, I felt terrible from that moment on. My stomach is churning, and I am extremely nauseated. Usually my stomach is pretty strong, I'm not one to have digestive issues, and I'm pretty healthy the vast majority of the time. Yet, today I feel drained and awful. I didn't skip school because I had an 8am exam, but I felt nauseous the entire time. However, once I set foot inside my school building, a warm feeling of gratefulness took over me. It was an involuntary feeling, a spiritual feeling. I felt my soul say thank you to the Universe. Thanking my Source for the opportunity to receive an education, a free education at that. Of all the years and time I've wasted at 4 different colleges, God still saw fit to bless me once more by giving me a chance to thrive at Tri-C.

My books are paid for, my transportation is paid for, and I even get financial assistance to help me with many other school related necessities. I appreciate this now as an adult of almost 30 years old. My stomach bug is temporary, but my degree will be a tangible piece of my forever. I refuse to complain and let my day be ruined by a passing illness. I thank God that I had food to eat last night! It's so funny because I've become so accustomed to cleaning up my sons bodily fluids, that cleaning my own feels weird. (I'm trying to refrain from using vulgar language, but I'm sure you get my drift.) Either way, I'll be smiling and laughing and continuing to give off positive vibes today, even though I don't feel so good.

I won't let something small bring me down. I think about my son's smile, his voice, his laugh, his curly light brown hair, and that makes me feel alright. I think about the beautiful snow and ice that painted our backyard yesterday before we went to church. My thoughts are on Houston and Dallas this summer. The warm weather, the time with my family, showing my son something new. Life is still good. I love those Pete the Cat books that I read to my son, because Pete doesn't cry no matter what happens to him. He just keeps on singing, because it's all good!


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