Exchanging Energy

I'm blessed to be surrounded by gifted and positive people. Many of the people I converse with on a regular basis are ambitious, highly motivated, and creative. You know what they say, "you are the company you keep." My closest friends are artists, entrepreneurs, educators, and scholars. All are wise in their own ways, and are confident risk takers. Somehow we constantly motivate each other in ways the other person may be unaware of.

One of my friends called me the other day right after he had recorded a song in a studio. He was so energetic and amped after releasing his creativity onto the mic. When he called me, I felt his excitement and began smiling and feeling the same way. He probably didn't know it, but he uplifted my mood just by calling me in such a positive state. Energy and/or vibes can affect the mood of others.

It's an invisible force that exchanges between spirits. That's why it's important to hang with people with good energy. People who smile often, and are positive the majority of the time. I'm sure you've heard the phrase "pity party." A pity party is when a bunch of people get together and be miserable. Instead of finding solutions to their problems, they mope and complain for hours on end. Each one has a situation that's worse than the other one. Each story is sad and depressing. Each person brings more rain to the storm.

Now don't get me wrong, venting to your girlfriends during a ladies night isn't a pity party. However, if the whole mood of the party is dragged down for the remainder of the night, and the problem takes over the celebrating, that's when it becomes a pity party. I'm the venting Queen! The first thing I do when I have a problem is call one of my besties and tell her what happened. But the conversations always end on a high positive note. I always end the call feeling better than I did before dialing the number.

On the other hand, I listen to my friends' dilemmas. I am honored when my friends call or text me and trust me enough to tell me their deepest secrets and feelings. We give each other what is needed, and we always conclude positively. We may do some male bashing, shed some tears, and raise out voices. Whatever it takes to let out the frustration, we go through those motions then transition back to homeostasis.

I have another friend who is currently dealing with several heavy issues. Everything from relationships to finances to personal wellness. Yet this person smiles daily, never complains, and is still selflessly helping others. That inspires me. The display of strength and purpose in this persons' life makes me want to shadow his behavior. I value the presence of this precious individual, and the energy we exchange is nothing short of miraculous.

Whether the exchange is a glance, smile, nod, handshake, embrace, greeting, conversation, laugh or kiss, understand that there is an unseen wave flowing to and from the people on both the receiving and giving ends. Stay around happy and positive people, and be that which you seek.


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