Fresh Flowers

Hello! Thanks for reading another blog post from me, the Ladybug Speaker! If you haven't already watched any of my YouTube videos, feel free to check out my page! Here's the link:

If I could have 30 vases of fresh flowers in my home daily, my life would be complete. I don't know why I love fresh flowers so much. I love seeing them in the plastic sheet, wrapped with a rubber band, with the food packet tucked between the stems. I enjoy cutting the stems, preparing the vase, placing them inside, and finding the perfect place on my table for them. It makes me happy. Flowers bring me joy.

I like all kinds of flowers; daisies, roses, carnations, lilies, sunflowers, orchards etc. Anytime I buy or receive flowers it brightens my day. When I walk into my apartment and see my flowers waiting for me it lifts my mood. I know that plants are living things... Maybe I can feel the life inside of them. Maybe it makes me feel like I'm not alone.

We all have something besides humans that makes us happy.For some it's a pet or furry friend. For others it's a car, toy, or even a blanket. God has blessed us with many things to make us smile. Flowers have that affect on me.

When I was at one of my low points in life, I kept fresh flowers in my apartment. I wouldn't even let a guy take me on a date unless he had fresh flowers waiting for me. I remember having about 5 vases full of beautiful arrangements at one point in time. That was magical. It was like walking into my birthday every time I opened my front door.

My godmother has plants all over her home. She has trees and hanging plants throughout the kitchen, living room and family room. When I enter her home it's like coming into a rain forest!She loves her plants and takes pride in their appearances and growth. My grandmother also kept plants all over her home as well. I think she mentioned some health benefits of living with plants. Something about the oxygen... I can't recall the exact facts she mentioned, intriguing nonetheless.

I'm sure that if I did some research I would find out all kinds of cool information about plants and flowers. But some things I like to keep a mystery. Some times too much knowledge can destroy the innocent pictures I've painted about my love for flowers. I don't want to know about the chemicals released from flowers mixing with the chemicals in my brain reacting together to create what feels like happiness. I'm not concerned with how the different colors of flowers trigger certain moods psychologically. Not interested. I want that good ole organic feeling that comes about naturally.

I can't hug or kiss my flowers, but I can admire the beauty they possess. I can smell the pleasant fragrance they emit. I can gently touch the soft petals, and let my mind wander to a peaceful place.

When I have more disposable income, I may have to set aside money specifically for a flowers to myself budget...

<Thanks for the flowers. FP>


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