I'm Petty

Me: Oh no he didn't!

Other Me: Oh yes he did!

Me: No my ECON professor did not post a B+ on my grade sheet.

Other Me: No he did not!

Me: Oh, yes he did honey!

I'm not having it! I worked my tail off this semester and I refuse to settle for a B+. No. No siree Bob, (well Dennis.) Some people may call me petty. Some may say just accept the B+. No thank you. I know what I earned. I know the effort and dedication I gave each of my classes. This was not B+ effort, this was A/A- work. I refuse to accept this letter grade and I will be disputing it.

Even my Blackboard grade percentage is at 93%, so how could my final grade be a B+? According to my calculations, that is a solid A. There must be some mistake. I get it. Things happen, sometimes numbers are off, assignments are overlooked. Teachers and Professors make errors too. I've had to resubmit work and resend emails several times this year, so I do understand. It was just shocking to see that nasty B on my record, and I want it removed.

Why am I so perturbed? Because I've invested too much energy and time to earn a lousy B+. Because I purposely gave my all in each course. Because I am an outstanding student. And because I take pride in my academic achievement. I won't settle for a B. I've already emailed him twice, left a voicemail on his office phone, and phoned Academic Affairs. The department head will be contacted next if I can't reach my professor before Friday.

I'm not doing this or sharing this to spite my professor. This post is to show my readers that we do have a voice. When you've honestly given your all and you feel like there may have been a mistake, you don't have to accept it. You can respectfully challenge authority when you have your facts straight. I'm not sending him rude emails accusing him of intentionally lowering my grade. I didn't yell at him or curse him out because of a potential mishap. I calmly stated my feelings towards the issue in a positive way. You'll always attract more bees with honey.

Ultimately, whatever the outcome I won't trip. These are normal people problems. The B+ won't kill me, or even take me off of the Dean's List. I just get high off of good grades, more so straight A's. I get a kick out of seeing my hard work translate into A's.

I will fight it, but I won't stress it.


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