Looking Back...

I do a lot of self-reflection. I often go over my past mistakes and choices shaking my head at my younger self. I think about the foolish things I've done out of carelessness and ignorance. As I rapidly approach the age of 30, I am more aware of the impact that my choices have on my future. Many times in my past I only considered the present. Now that I have a child, I am determined to secure our future. No more impulsive decisions. No more living above my means. No more purchasing, leasing, buying or financing without planning. I'm developing the habit of budgeting my money. Budgeting allows me to see how much money I have and see where it's going. Don't spend what you don't have.

I've reached that breaking point of being sick and tired of being.... you know the rest. It's time to grow up and step into my womanhood with knowledge, wisdom, and confidence. I'm proud of my decision to go back to school. I'm impressed with my discipline and self control. My dad always said that he loved the fact that I always stick to my guns. I'm stickin' to em dad. :-)

Last night I was so excited about my future that I could hardly sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night, grabbed a notebook and a pen, and started jotting down my plans in the dark. I feel stability coming soon in my future. I'm a Capricorn, and sometimes it takes us a little longer to reach the top of the mountain, but we always get there. Slowly but surely.

All I want is a high paying salaried job, a fancy but affordable 3 bedroom apartment in a safe city with a warm climate, and a nice reliable sedan. I want my son to go to the best schools that are diverse in race. I want him to do activities including basketball (of course), swimming, and playing an instrument (maybe the piano, guitar, or drums). I want to give him security. I want to write more books, speak all around the world, and wear trendy hair styles and business casual attire.

As far as a relationship goes, there will always be a guy that I like. There will always be guys that I'm dating or "talking to." I wanted to be married, and so I got married. Then I got divorced. I can't predict the future in regards to relationships. Who knows, I might get remarried and divorced 2 or 3 more times. Or, I may find Mr. Right and get married once more living happily ever after. Or, I may remain single. All I know is that these men will always be here to entertain me and drive me crazy LOL.

Attracting men is something that doesn't require much effort. Financial stability and success only come from hard work, planning, and discipline. I may sound a bit redundant in my posts, but there's a strong feeling in my spirit that's urging me to strive for greatness. I know what type of lifestyle I want to live, and I know what I need to do to get it. I feel like I'm playing catch up, but I have my running shoes on. I'm ready to run the marathon and finish in first place.

I'm about to finish my first semester at Baldwin Wallace. It's looking like I've earned all A's. Hello Dean's List. I plan to go hard and receive straight A's every semester. I have 3 more to go. After Spring semester, I'll be a senior. I'll complete a few internships, then start looking for jobs... real jobs. No more retail cashier jobs. A real salaried position starting above $40,000.00 a year.

My school just introduced a new one year MBA program for current graduates and enrolled students. If you think I'm not taking advantage of that you must be dreaming. I'll have my Master's degree in Business Administration, my Bachelor's degree in Public Relations with a minor in Marketing, and my Associate's degree in Liberal Arts. Not to mention being an author, blogger, poet, award winning public speaker, and mother of a miracle child. I'm going to get it by any means necessary. NO EXCUSES.

I am an extension of the Almighty God. It's time to receive the abundance and exist in divinity. I'll be the lender and not the borrower. The head and not the tail. Thank you taxpayers for the food stamps, child care, medical, and WIC, but you can have it all back. I can't wait to be free from welfare. I can't wait to help out other women struggling to make ends meet. It'll happen as long as I stay focused and keep grinding.

What will you be working towards in 2016? What will you do differently this year to help you get closer to your goals?

Go ahead, leave a comment please. I love hearing from you all. Thanks for reading!


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