Busy Day

I'm the type of person that is at her best when she has 1 million things to do. Usually, when I have a free schedule, I procrastinate and don't get anything done. On days I have several things to do, I complete each task energetically. I'm not sure if there is a category for people like me. If so, drop the term in the comments here or on Facebook please.

Today was a jam packed day. First, my son had an accident at around 3:55a.m. Then we got up at 8 a.m. to have breakfast. Next, we went to urgent care because my allergies were out of control since Monday and I needed a stronger dose of allergy medicine and eye drops.

Next, we dropped off my prescription, stopped at the post office, stopped at the house and stopped by the supermarket. We went back to the drug store to pick up my scripts, then headed to see my dying father. We spent about an hour with him, and then it was time for me to get to work.

I worked a 4 hour shift, got off, went home to grab a few items, then we headed to Euclid high school for the Relay 4 Life Cancer walk. I walked 5 laps with my son in his stroller. We then walked home from Euclid high school, stopped at the corner store for goodies, and had a brief chat with neighbors.

Once home, we showered, tidied up, and watched Shrek: Forever After. During and after Shrek I've been blogging. As I listen to the ambulance siren in the distance, I think about busy days in the lives of others...

I know about busy days as far as cashiering and working in retail... your line seems endless. Each cart is filled to capacity including B.O.B. It's the first of the month so the majority of your orders are EBT. With a full line, your next customer has a basket full of W.I.C. and needs similac which is locked up.

Afterwards, an old lady comes and buys 3 apples. Yet, she pays with a $100 bill and needs cigarettes. You're down to your last three 5's and your last five singles. You turn your light on and wait ages for a manager. She brings your change and runs off to the next issue requiring manager approval. Then, the old lady says she doesn't want the apples because on the sign it said .99 cents a pound, but rang up $1.01 a pound. Your void needs manager approval. You turn your light on and wait for your irritated manager to override the void.

Some busy days can be very stressful. I couldn't imagine what a busy day is like for a surgeon, or a firefighter or a police officer. I don't think I could survive it or stomach it.

My busy days are filled basically with errands. What do you do on your busy days?


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