Fresh Paper

As a writer, I use large amounts of paper. I fill notebooks left and right. So I must have a notepad, loose leaf paper or sticky notes easily accessible for me to write on. It may seem strange, but I get all tingly inside when I get a new notepad, notebook or journal. I get excited because I imagine what thoughts, notes, and poems I'm going to tattoo the naked pages with.

I saw a writing pad at my job the other day after checking out a lady at my register. I noticed it when she placed it on the counter, and when I flipped it over to find the price I was sold. This pad was only .99 cents!! I knew I had to have one. I knew that I would not leave the store without grasping this new pad in my arms and taking it home with me. But, I didn't have any money.

Do you think that would stop me? No way Jose. I continued to talk about that notepad with excitement to the next few customers. Then another lady bought one, and I new I was destined to have it. We began to discuss the pad. Its price, its features, and the fact that there were only a few left. One of the ladies working in a department near my register joined the conversation. I guess she could sense my eagerness and interest in the notepad. She left my register and came back and handed me the notepad.

Step one was complete. I had the notepad in my arms. Now for step two, making the purchase and taking it home with me. My manager then came up to my register and I started telling him about the pad, and how I wanted to buy it but had no money. He reached in his pocket and handed me two bucks. YES! The Universe heard my request and granted it! Of course I was in debt two dollars, but I was credited 100 sheets of fresh white crispy paper, with baby blues lines stretching horizontally across each one. 

This writing pad was made by Earthwise. It's a double sheet 3 hole drilled writing pad. It's slot perforated for neat sheet removal and the paper is made from 100% recycled fiber, and 50% post-consumed fiber. On the cover there's a certification from the Sustainable Forestry Initiative which is a Certified Chain of Custody Promoting Sustainable Forestry. This writing pad is unique and special. More importantly, it's mine... All mine... Bwahahahahaha!!! <Diabolical Laughter>

I've been wanting to write more poetry lately, and now I have the perfect tool to help assist me with doing so. I think I'll dedicate this pad specifically to poetry. My Poetry Pad. The goal is to write one new poem every week. If I do that I'll fill this puppy up in no time, and maybe even have a manuscript for my first book of poetry. 

There's nothing like a fresh pad and pen working harmoniously with fresh thoughts and ideas. The entire process of seeing something, taking in the visual, processing it in my brain, relating it to my stored experiences and memories, forming it into letters, words and sentences, and creatively arranging it all into a piece of art. This writing pad is so special to me because its a safe keeping of my innermost thoughts and beliefs. I'd better get to writing! 


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