Unwavering Faith

As mentioned in a previous blog, my number one spiritual gift is faith. Unwavering, undoubted, holding on with white knuckles, mustard seed faith. Faith that is unshakable and unmovable. Believing without seeing. Being peaceful and calm in a time or season when nothing is in my control. Trusting that God, the Universe, the Creator will work everything out in my favor. Every detail, every cost, every move. I have unwavering faith, PERIOD.

Faith grows by trusting God and waiting to see him do the things that only God can do. I think it was T.D. Jakes or Joel Osteen that said something like, "In hard times do what you can do, and when you know there's nothing else you can do, hold your peace, stay at rest, and know full well that God is fighting for you."

By being faithful, I'm becoming a person that God can work through and depend on. I choose to battle through the hard times so that God's will can be done through me. I have accepted my purpose in life and I have started walking in it. I'm knowledgeable of the gifts God has blessed me with. With knowledge comes responsibility. "To whom much is given, much is required..."

Life can be so stressful at times, especially when unforeseen and unexpected things show up in our lives. For me and two of my close friends, we trust God to fight our battles and enjoy our lives. What that means is, we continue to build our faith by not allowing circumstances to dictate our moods and actions.

For example, and this will sound crazy to many logical adults, but it's a lifestyle ye of little faith aren't equipped for. Anywho, I remember being on the phone with one of my friends, and she said,"I don't have any money, and my gas tank is on E. But I'm going for a drive to the lake, and I'm going to get a cup of coffee." If she didn't take that drive and get that coffee, then my name ain't Ramona J. Smith.

My other friend said she wanted to drive cross country. She didn't have much money saved up, but that wasn't going to stop her. People began to bless her on every side, from gas money, to paid hotel stays, to a completely mapped out trip hour by hour, city to city, and state to state.

Personally, 5 years ago I decided I wanted to take my talents to the west coast and move to Los Angeles. Did I have any money? Did I have a job lined up or even a place to stay? I think you know the answer to both questions is NO. However, the plane ticket was purchased, the luggage purchased and paid for on the flight. A friend of a friend opened her home up to me, and set me up with a job at her salon.

There were times in L.A. when I had no idea how my rent would get paid, but I was never late or behind. There were times when I didn't even have a dollar to catch the bus to school, but I made it back and forth every single day for an entire semester. There were opportunities on Craigslist that opened up and for whatever reason, in a huge place like Los Angeles, I was selected. Everything always worked out.

Once you stop stressing, worrying and being anxious about the situation it will work itself out. It may not be the exact way you would have wanted it to pan out, but you never come out worse than you came in. In some situations you will have to wait and be patient. "He may not be early, but He's never late."

Don't get it twisted. We're not out here blowing our rent money at the bar and then trusting that God will fix it. That's just irresponsible and stupid. I'm NOT telling you to take your whole paycheck and give it to the Horseshoe Casino, because you know God will come through and give it back ten folds. Not my point in sharing this. Not at all. My point is when you have good intentions when you're experiencing hard times, your blessings will come.

For instance, you only have $200 to your name, and your best friend calls you and asks to borrow $150. You know that all you have is $200, your phone bill is due and you need groceries. But something inside you pulls at your heart strings and you feel urges to give her the money. You take the leftover $50, buy $25 worth of groceries and put $25 on your phone bill. You helped a friend, did what you could for yourself, and eliminated all worry and anxiety. A week later she repays you $400 and takes you out to eat.

That's just a random example, but that's similar to what usually happens. I'm no psychic or fortune teller. Faith just happens to be a spiritual gift of mine and I'm a witness to the power of believing before seeing.

Not just with money. Faith in relationships, faith in health, faith in freedom, and faith in truth.

I've accepted the fact that I can't control everything that happens in life, but rather than let what I can't control, control me, I choose to enjoy my life. I choose to take that drive with no gas, and let that nice lady buy my coffee while I order with no money in my pocket...


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