DEAD Beat Dad Finale

I got that call today. Right before the start of Vacation Bible School.

I was planning on going to see my dad Thursday, thinking that he had more time left on Earth. Wednesday June 24, 2015 my dad died at age 57.

I have a lot of mixed feelings. Feelings that I'll only share with my journal.

My sister said something profound, she said that he's free now. Free to be exactly who he is. Free from the bondage of addiction. Free to be the real Romaine. She said he can look after us much better now in death than he could do being distracted by worldly things.

I'm going to miss my old man.

I didn't call him on Father's Day. Do I regret it? No. My only regrets are not trying hard enough to appreciate our relationship, and putting so many expectations on a man. At the end of the day, my dad was a man.

He was a highly skilled and talented man. He was loved by everyone he interacted with. Those beautiful brown eyes that he gave to his grandson, his namesake Ryan Romaine.

I can't believe he's gone. I can't believe I'll never see him again. He knew love, even if he didn't know what to do with it.

I love my dad. I may not have loved his every action or choice or decision, but I loved his heart.

There's really nothing more I have to say right now.

Goodbye dad, I love you. I'll miss you.


  1. Simply beautiful and well said. My father passed away right before my son was born and I can't say I know how you feel, but I can say that I know the lost of a father and missing out on just calling him! If you need to talk, call me honey! Peace and blessing to you and your family

    1. Thank you so much. I never really knew what it was to grieve over someone before. This is the strangest feeling I've ever felt. There's a void in my soul. One half of me has left this Earth. But I truly believe he's left the best of him here with his children.

  2. That was beautiful and Well put Ariel

    1. Thanks Auntie! A lot of the family disagreed with me posting this. BUt he was MY dad, and this is how I express myself.


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