Ministry Worker's Summit

Today I attended an all day Ministry Worker's Summit. It was from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. but the day didn't seem that long at all. There were 3 plenary sessions and 2 workshops. The two workshops were Finding Your Place In Ministry & Definition of a Servant. Attendees only had to attend one workshop. I chose Definition of a Servant.

I'm finally taking my Christian walk more seriously. Going to church every Sunday is not enough for me anymore. I need to be committed to a ministry and using my spiritual gifts to uplift the community and the church.

Before the summit, we were asked to complete an online assessment in order to find out what our spiritual gifts are. I knew that exhortation was going to be in my top five. I actually thought it would be my #1 spiritual gift. To my surprise, my #1 gift is faith. My #2 gift is exhortation. Wisdom, prophecy, and administration were #'s 3,4 and 5.

As I looked over my gift list I realized that I do have strong faith. For some reason I just know things are going to be alright. Even when times get rough, I know that troubles don't last always. I have faith in my dreams and goals even though I can't see how I'm going to reach them. Somehow, I have this unwavering faith in myself and I'm certain all the desires of my heart will one day be granted to me.

I truly believe that I can do anything. By serving in ministry and utilizing my spiritual gifts I know I can help change the world. Today I learned that serving is not the same as volunteering. I learned that service is not optional. I also learned that spiritual gifts are separate from natural gifts, and are not to be confused with the fruit of the spirit.

The theme of the summit was The Harvest is Plentiful But the Workers Are Few. The church that I currently attend has about 33 ministries. In each of those ministries 20% of the people are doing 80% of the work. People are getting burned out and are spreading themselves too thin. More people are needed to help make each ministry more effective.

I plan on staying committed to the ministry I joined about a month ago. It's called the Y.A.S.S. Ministry, Young Adults Serving and Soaring. I want to help build the ministry and serve both in and out of the church. I'm looking forward to the great things that come with service. Things like spiritual growth, inspiring others, making new friends, and gaining knowledge of who I am and who I want to become.

I've also decided to implement some lifestyle changes. Less alcohol consumption, no alcoholic beverages in my house, less contact with the opposite sex, and less visits to bars and clubs. Many people believe that the church is full of hypocrites. I don't want to be one. I want my actions inside the church to match my actions outside of the church.

I have two great examples of how to live a true Christian lifestyle, my godparents. They serve selflessly, they glorify God in all that they do, they faithfully attend worship service and bible study, and they have active prayer lives at home. They have shown me what this lifestyle looks like and I plan to emulate it.

I'm not sitting on the fence anymore. I'm either all in or not. I'm tired of being conflicted about whether I want to be a Sunday saint or on a daily walk with God. I hate the guilt that comes with making bad choices then having to ask for forgiveness, knowing I should have made a better decision from the beginning.

I hate being so nice and positive at church, but as soon as I leave I'm dogging out someone via text, or letting my anger get the best of me. I need to practice what I hear preached Sunday after Sunday. I need to continue to walk by faith knowing that faith without works is dead.

I've heard that there are only two things in life that are constant: change and change. A little lifestyle adjustments here and there won't hurt. I know in changing for the better.


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