Screw College

$29,908 per year for two years, is the cost of earning my Bachelor's degree in Public Relations. I've never seen $30,000 in person. I think the most money I've ever earned in one year was about $20,000 working as a cashier at Whole Foods. College is expensive, but I know it'll be worth it in the long run. I'm choosing to invest in myself by knowingly signing up for a $20,000 debt upwards. 

My financial aid will cover $18,000 per year which is a blessing. The debt will be from the $12,366 loans I'll have to take out each year. It may take me twenty years, but I'll pay those debts off sooner or later. Especially once I find a career making $50,000 annually or more. Yes the degree costs a large sum of money, but if this is my escape route out of poverty I'll take it.

According to the income gap between college grads and high school grads has widened. The site explains that the value of a college degree is greater than it has been in nearly half a century. It states that full-time working college degree holders earn $17,500 greater than those with high school diplomas only. Hmmmm, I'll take an extra 17 G's please. 

It's hard for me to imagine life making a decent amount of money. I know that in life there will always be some type of struggle, but at least I'll be able to provide for MYSELF. The goal is financial stability from here on out. No more asking family for rides and money. No more stressing out over not having enough money to do anything extra. Financial independence and financial freedom are just two years away.

I remember setting a goal when my son was a newborn. My goal was to be on my feet by the time my baby boy started school. He'll start kindergarten in 2017, the same year that I'll graduate from college with my Bachelor's. The goal is most definitely attainable. I'll just have to continue to work hard, keep networking, keep sharpening my skills, land an internship in my field, and get a great paying/worth staying job.

I have to continue to practice what I preach. I told a group of high school kids yesterday that there is no excuse for not being the best. I will get straight A's, I will make the Dean's List, I will be Cum Laude, Magna or Summa. I will work hard, stay focused and follow through. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm tired of being broke and feeling like I can never get ahead. I'm tired of knowing I have so much talent, yet I'm still bagging groceries. When is it going to be my time to rise, my time to shine? I'm ready to be something more. I'm ready to be the best. 

I AM the best!!!


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