The Best Day EVER!

Tuesday May 26th, 2015 is going to be one of the best days EVER!! I've waited 5 years for this day and it is finally here! I've been practicing for this day since 2010, in the living room of my roommate's small apartment in West Hollywood. I've envisioned the exact moments. I've dreamt of what it would be like. I've held on to that dream since the thought was birthed in my mind 60 months ago. Thoughts truly become things.

This coming Tuesday, I'll be delivering the biggest, most important speech of my career. I'll be delivering the commencement speech at my high school Alma Mater Collinwood. I'm thrilled and honored. It's been an interesting journey, but I'm ready. I've practiced, I've timed myself, and I've felt the feelings of actually being behind that podium in front of over 200 graduates.

I don't quite remember exactly when my interest in doing the commencement was sparked. It may have been before I moved to L.A or a few months after I arrived. All I know is that I had recorded the speech on my cell phone, and I would walk around the house practicing it. I don't have that same speech anymore, but I know the 2015 version is better. I can't believe it's been 5 years since I had this goal, and 10 years since I finished high school!

I always knew I would reach this goal, I just didn't know when. There was always something inside of me that was locked in on it and sure about it. The story behind it is a one of sheer opportunity and luck.

About 3 years ago I met with the Collinwood High School senior advisor, and interestingly enough, she's the current advisor. I expressed my interest, sat down and met with her, and never heard from her again. Fast forward 2 years, and I find myself back at Collinwood giving a speech for its family literacy night. I wasn't even supposed to speak that night. My mentor passed me an opportunity that was first offered to her. So I spoke, and the speech was good. Still having my suppressed dream, I asked my mentor if I should talk to the Assistant Principal about the commencement. She gave me the green light.

I talked to the Assistant Principal, who directed me to the Principal. The Principal told me that they'd already booked a well known speaker for the commencement, and maybe I should try again next year... Hmmmm, the way my ambition is set up, that wasn't a good enough NO for me. So I contacted the speaker and asked if he would pass the torch to me this time around. I mean, he speaks all over the city practically every day, he could afford to pass up on an engagement or two.

He didn't agree to give me his spot, but he suggested that I call the senior advisor and ask if I can speak as an Alumna. I thought that was a great idea, and I promptly contacted her. I was so excited when she picked up the phone! I started to explain to her that I knew about the other speaker but- she stopped me mid sentence. She told me that the speaker she was considering had already spoken at a previous commencement and that she really wanted someone brand new this year.

The world stopped, and time stood still.  At this moment, it was do or die. Speak now or forever hold my peace. I took a deep breath. I inhaled fear and I exhaled confidence. I asked her if she would consider me, and she told me to come in for a meeting the following week. That entire week I was preparing to sell my brand to this woman in hopes of finally turning my goal from a dream to reality.

On the day of the meeting, I made sure I looked professional. Slacks, three inch heels, blouse, and  my ladybug bag over my shoulder. I boldly strutted into her classroom ready for whatever. Even if she would've said no, I was just going to try again next year. Lucky for me, I had a bunch of supporters from the family literacy night who helped amp up my notoriety. She was convinced after a few minutes into the meeting, and after hearing a few positive testimonies on my behalf. The next and final test was getting the confirmation from the principal.

As we walked into another classroom where the Principal sat in a meeting with about 4 other teachers, my heart began to pound hard. What if she still wanted the other speaker? Did she need more time to think about making a decision? Would she really be willing to give me a chance without even knowing who I am? Well, she remembered me from family literacy night, and she gave us her confirmation. In that moment my dream had come true.

This experience, this journey, has taught me that dreams do come true. Staying confident, prepared, and being in the right place at the right time can lead to an unexpected blessing. This is my first major speech. This is the speech that these graduates will hear on their last day of high school. My words are the final thought to their four year journies. This is a big deal for me!

And God willing, this is only the beginning. First Collinwood High School.... and then THE WORLD!!!


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