7 Minute Abs

If you've seen the movie There's Something About Mary, you get the title of this blog. I hate working out. I can't stand exercising. I'm not into running, jogging, power walking or anything of the sort. I hate the gym, I never want to join a gym. I hate lifting weights. I hate sweating and I hate the thought of repetitious, robotic movements day after day after, just to go home stinky and sweaty. Working out is not for me.

I see all these big buff people in YouTube videos and IG pictures and I think to myself, "what kind of gym addict is this person?" You seriously must be addicted to the gym. I bet some of those people get the shakes if they don't hit the gym at least 3 times per week. HA! Muscles and a toned body. Who needs it?!

Yes, I'm hating. I'm a hater. I'm a lazy, skinny fat hater. I wrote about this extra 25 pounds I've gained since high school in a previous blog. Of course no one else seems to notice the extra weight, except me. It's all over my stomach, chin and thighs. In the past I never had to workout. I've always been lean, slim and svelte. Even after I had my son, breastfeeding was my Jenny Craig. Lately, however, I've actually been thinking about making the call to Jenny.

I've seen this new trend surface all over social media: body wraps. You wrap the fatty section of your body in what looks like plastic wrap, and I guess you sweat off the excess fat in matter of hours. I'm not wasting my money on that. Although I don't want to work out, I've been doing a little something something. I'm not going to cheat. I'm going to do it the old fashion way. I'm going to exercise everyday.

My main focus is getting rid of my pudgy belly. I want my 19 year old flat abs once more. I've been doing a few sets of crunches every night, in addition to doing the 8 minute abs DVD a few times a week. Hopefully I'll start to see the results in a few weeks, but I'm not stopping until I do. I'm not going to hire a personal trainer and I'm not going to join a gym (I can't afford either). I'm working off of sheer determination and will power. 

I WILL flatten my stomach! I WILL work hard at it and be dedicated! I WILL continue to stay away from fast food as much as possible! I WILL be active everyday! 

I don't know if you saw the video, but Michelle Obama shared her workout routine online. She was werkin!!! I'm half her age, but I know I can't do half of the exercises she did in that video. The video was inspirational. She has two children, two dogs, a husband, and a country to run, yet she still makes time to keep her body right. I'm following in her footsteps. Sexy Summer abs are on the way!


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