The Capricorn Woman

Militant, demanding, bossy, classy, and sometimes rude is the Capricorn woman. She is driven by status, wealth and stability. It may take her a little longer than others, but she will find her way to the top of the mountain. Her focus is success and her pace is slow and steady as she climbs up the mountainside. I am a Capricorn woman. I was born on January 9th, Capricorns are people born between December 23-January 20. 

Some positive traits of the Capricorn woman are: resposible, patient, ambitious, resourceful and loyal. Some weakness keywords describing the Capricorn woman are: dictatorial, inhibited, conceited, distrusting, and unimaginative. Capricorn women are independent, friendly, leaders, and romantic lovers. They are practical, down to Earth, and self motivated. A Capricorn woman's greatest strength is her ability to set long term goals and pursue them until attained. 

The older and more mature I become, the more I see myself lining up with the description of the sign of Capricorn. I know it's an Earth sign, like Taurus and Virgo. I don't know about the moons, and the houses and all that jazz. I've never researched Astrology because it's complexities are way too in depth for me to analyze. From the little bits and pieces I do know about the signs, the information is pretty accurate. I think it's very insightful to get to know more about my alignment with the stars.

According to Astrology, we all have different ways and characteristics that are based on the exact position of the moon, the stars and the sun the moment we arrived on the planet. I'm not an Astronomer or an Astrologist, but I'll read a horoscope or two every now and then. I've never had a palm reading or tarot card reading, and I don't plan to. What caught my attention about Astrology was the accuracy of the descriptions of people born under certain signs.

I also watched a few YouTube videos from "experts" who explain how different signs will behave in a relationship. There are even videos describing the "dark side" of a sign in a relationship. Honestly, the videos seem to hold some truth. It's erie how on point some of the descriptions are. It helps clear up a lot of confusion when a man of a certain sign is acting unusual. I don't read too much into it though. I take what I feel applies to the person or situation. I don't live or die by the zodiac signs.

I'm not going to only date Virgos, Pisces, and Capricorn men because according to the zodiac, I'm most compatible with those signs. Heck, the last guy I mentioned in a previous blog is a Pisces. Some people think following the signs is demonic or witchcraft. I don't think it is. I didn't find any love spells or hexes to put on my exes and make them love me. Some people think horoscopes are inaccurate lies. Eh. I guess I'm on the fence. I don't believe it's bad or good. It is insightful and entertaining to me.

What do you think?


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