Think It, Ink It

Senator Nina Turner is not only a powerful political force, she's also a fascinating speaker. She shared the phrase think it, then ink it at the CycleBreakers Conference this past Friday What that means is, whatever you are thinking, in regards to goals, dreams, plans, visions and ideas should be written down. Writing down our thoughts allows us to see our ideas in plain sight. You can't read a thought. You can however, see the words and sentences once those thoughts become tangible through paper and ink.

I make out lists, create vision boards and blog to get my thoughts out. When I get my office, the walls are going to be covered with post it notes, words of affirmation, goals lists, and vision boards. For me, constantly seeing my goals and list is a daily reminder of the things I need to get done or want to do in the future. I also enjoy crossing off items on my list. That shows progression. Lately, I've been writing out weekly goal lists and hanging them on the refrigerator (a place I pass several times a day.)

Crossing things off my lists inspires and motivates me. I enjoy the entire process of thinking about accomplishing something, writing a list, pursuing the task, and finally taking action. Currently on my list is: job, car, Bachelor's degree, career, move, live. I've crossed "job" off the list. Lord willing, car is next, then degree etc.

Goal setting keeps me going. I always have something to look forward to. I love challenging myself. Notice, I don't have things like: become a millionaire, buy a Ferrari, or marry LeBron James. Would I someday hope to accomplish all three of those things? Certainly! However, my goals are achievable, sensible, and attainable. My goals match where I am in my life. 

If I had multiple streams of income, a successful business, and hundreds of thousands of dollars saved up, then and only then would one of my goals be to become a millionaire. At this point in my life, I don't even have a car so buying a Ferrari is out of my budget and out of the question. Lastly, LeBron James is happily married. Even if he was single, I don't know him and we're not dating or engaged. My goals must make sense, otherwise I'll never accomplish them.

I was looking at my vision boards from 2014 and 2015. What's awesome about them is some of the pictures and words I pasted on my board actually happened. It's a bit creepy at times when you realize that in some microscopic way, you have a tad bit of control over your destiny. I wonder if those things would've happened had I not looked at them everyday. Thoughts become things.

I encourage you to think it and ink it. If you have not already, start writing down your future plans. Then, post them up on a wall, or on the refrigerator where you'll see the list everyday. Whenever you finish a task or accomplish a goal cross it off. You can start with weekly goals, 6 month goals, or even your goals for the next 5 years. A daily task list can be helpful too.

Let's stop thinking about what we could do. Let's stop picturing this beautiful life in our minds just to forget what we were thinking in a matter of moments. Let's think it, then ink it, the DO it!

Self improvement is the movement.


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