Memorial Day???

I never understood the significance of Veteran's Day or Memorial Day until I married a Marine. Those days were simply another day off from work or school to me. Even though I have several family members who served in the military, I never appreciated and respected those holidays prior to my marriage. My ex-husband served in the United States Marine Corps and he has the stories and mental scars to prove it. My grandfather served in World War II as was apart of the Red Ball Express. My dad served in the Army, as well as one of my aunts. Memorial Day is significant to those who've lost a loved one while serving our country.

Today at work, there were dozens of people coming in to purchase flowers and tiny American flags. They were going to the cemeteries to visit their fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters and friends who passed away either while serving in the military or anytime thereafter. I also saw numerous customers coming in wearing hats and T-shirts with U.S Army, USMC, Navy Seals, or Vietnam Vet on them. One guy gladly showed me his doggy tags/I.D. plates from the Army. I sincerely thanked each one of them for his or her service.

I couldn't imagine being 18 years old, living thousands of miles away from my family, and fighting a war. I know I couldn't have done it, but I'm grateful to the men and women who are brave and courageous enough to put their lives on the line for a complete stranger. Active service members and Veterans alike, possess true loyalty and honor. I respect their service and I don't take it lightly.

I used to get offended when my ex husband would call me a civilian. I thought he was putting me into some type of category with weak-minded, dumb founded regular citizens. I understand now. The main difference between a civilian and a serviceman is the training. I've not been trained in weapons or combat. I wouldn't know how to maintain composure and take orders during an all out war. It's bad enough that I hesitate when pulling the trigger at a gun range. How could I protect a nation when I can barely even shoot paper? 

I want to thank all of you ladies and gentleman who've sacrificed 2, 10, 20 or more years of your life protecting our country. I appreciate all you've done. You had the guts to leave everything you've ever known behind you, and protect the freedom of millions of people you don't even know. THANK YOU.

To the men and women who have lost their lives during service or after, you are not forgotten. You made the ultimate sacrifice for a civilian like me and I salute each and every one of you. We treasure your memory and all you've done for this country. It is because of you that we enjoy safety and freedom today. May your memories, good deeds and selfless acts live on forever.

Thank you to all of the active duty, retired and non-active military personnel. May your spirits revel in victory and glory forever and ever.



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