Nothing Will Stop Me

So this post will be short, but sweet. I'm blogging from my cellphone which sucks. But seeing as though I have a terrible home internet plan, I've used up all the data and can't get online on my laptop. Plus, it's almost midnight and I'm not letting a day go by for 66 days straight, without blogging. I may have to blog on my cellphone or at the library, but it will be done.

I had a busy day today, and I tried to blog in between spurts of busyness, but I could not connect to the internet. I just knew whatever kink was tying up my internet would pass through by the time I got home from work... I was wrong. It doesn't matter though, as much as I text on my phone, a few phone blogs won't kill me.

I'm dedicated to my writings and I refuse to make any excuses. Actually, it's quite funny because I had no idea what my topic was going to be today. So here you go!

It hasn't quite been 66 days of straight blogging. I heard that if a person does something for at least 66 days straight, it'll become a habit. It'll become a task that's harder not to do than to do. I'm getting there, I think I'm about 30 days in.

Why do I blog? I blog because I'm a writer, and blogging helps me release my thoughts and allows my thoughts to be shared with others. Why blog everyday? I blog daily now because I'm trying to build an audience who looks forward to reading my posts. This is something I do my choice. I do it for free, and I do it whether I have one reader per post, or 1001 readers.

Writing is a hobby and skill that I have. Writing is a huge part of my life. All writers should write daily. I've been told that since high school. At one point in my life I was writing daily, and now I've started again.

In addition to building an audience, blogging everyday helps with my writing and editing skills. Although most of my writings are informal with no particular format, I still have to use proper grammar (for the most part), and proper punctuation.

Eventually I'll start incorporating creative writing in my blogs. I'll write some poems and short stories. This is my blog and I can pretty much write about anything that's in my mind. The point is to just keep writing.

Just keep writing no matter what. Making no excuses, and proving to myself that I can be dedicated and follow through with my 66 days goal.

No internet, no problem. Find a solution, make a compromise, get the job done.


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