Happy Single Father's Day!

Just stop it. Seriously, stop it right now. Remove that post. Why do some people feel the need to wish a Happy Mother's Day to single fathers, and a Happy Father's Day to single mothers? Each parent has his or her own day to celebrate. You don't get two holidays no matter how great of a single parent you are. Now, one of the two holidays may be celebrated more than the other, but don't take away from the day.

Mother's Day is a day to celebrate all the women who are moms, mother figures, god moms, step moms, foster moms, adopted moms, auntie moms, second moms, play moms, and any woman who has helped rear their own and/or other children. I do not only celebrate women who have biological children. Although I only have one biological son, I love my nephew like a son. I always say I have kids, because of my love for my two boys. There are millions of women who physically cannot reproduce, but are still mothers.

A mother cares about the little ones that cling to her. She sacrifices everything for them. She guides them and gives them wise advice. She is always there for them, and will get them out of trouble making a way out of no way. She prays for them, she cooks for them, she makes life more comfortable and enjoyable. She's a nurturer, a giver, and a protector. Her smile lights up the day, and her words build strong and confident characters.

She is a rock and a fortress. She is well-respected. She is special and warm. She is priceless and reliable. You can always count on her to help you out, loan you a few dollars, or watch the babies on short notice. She deserves a call, not a text. She deserves all the flowers, dinners, cards/gift cards, money, chocolates, wine and sharp outfits you spent your last dime on. She's beautiful and unique. She's one of a kind, and she's yours.

Even if your mother wasn't perfect, she's still yours and you only get one. She may have made dozens of mistakes. She may have been an addict, or an alcoholic. She may have hurt you time and time again. Give her a pass today. Don't throw up all the negativity in her face on her day. Today, focus on the good times. If you have no good times to focus on, remember who carried you for 9 months. Remember who pushed you into this world on your birthday, and did the best she knew how to provide f
or you.

Without our mothers, none of us would be here. Whoever you consider a mom, celebrate her today. Even if she has passed away, she's still your mother and her memory lives on. There is nothing like a mothers love, and I'm grateful to have received it, but even more grateful to give it. 

Happy Mother's Day!


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