Pop A Pill

I have an aunt who always uses funny phrases. She says things like, "I'm 10-A straight" or "Fall out troops." Her nickname for me is Mona Oona. I'm laughing as I remember some other funny things she used to say, like "take a chill pill." Well, auntie, that's exactly what I've decided to do. I'm going to take a chill pill (right after I take this wonderful Allegra-D for my horrible allergies).

As you know, especially if you've read any of my previous blogs, it's been a long 9 months. It's been extra stressful. I've experienced every low emotion you can imagine. I've felt sadness, depression, loneliness, guilt, frustration, confusion, hopelessness and anger. There were days when I cried. There were days when I felt like giving up. There were even days when I wanted to disappear. But like the song says, "troubles don't last always."

My sister wrote me an encouraging story that ended with the words this too shall pass. Through every storm I've ever been through, I've always heard those words. I've even said them to myself at times. When I read them, I realized that in life bad things are going to happen. It's just the world we live in. Things are going to take place in our lives that are unexpected and out of our control. However, as long as we grow and gain strength and wisdom from those misfortunes, it (the pain) will pass.

It won't pass over night, but broken hearts eventually heal. We gradually go through the stages of grief. We bury our loved ones. We recover from financial loss, and we keep moving through life. Life goes on around us, even when we are down and out. In time, we pick ourselves up, dust off our shoulders, and catch up to the race. With that said, I've decided to lace up my sneakers and prepare to start my run.

My son will be finished with his radiation treatments on Monday. He's doing so well, and won't have any limitations or be on any medications once we leave the hospital. He'll be starting back at daycare soon, and getting a new trendy haircut for the Summer. His birthday is in four weeks and I'm certain he's going to have the time of his life. He'll be back to normal again very soon, and so will I.

I'll be working again and saving up for a car. Then, I'll be starting school at Baldwin-Wallace in the fall. I'll continue my writing and speaking, in addition to growing my business The Ladybug Speaker LLC. I also plan to start working out. I'm not excited about it, but when I saw the 150 lbs roll across the scale it was a reality check. I'm getting myself together slowly but surely mind, body and soul. That's my plan, but I know God is laughing...

I'm not in control of everything. I cannot predict the future. I now truly understand that we should hope for the best and expect the worst. It may sound pessimistic, but it's how this life operates. Life is not fair. Life is not going to be a smooth ride all the time. Bad things will happen, you have to accept that. Fortunately, life is like a roller coaster. There will be high times full of fun and excitement. There will be twists, turns, and loops. Sometimes we'll come to a screeching halt. Other times we'll be going 100 miles per hour. No matter what life brings, we have to wholeheartedly enjoy the good times, and hold on tightly to others during the bad ones.

It was my faith, my family, my friends, my church family, kind strangers, and associates & acquaintances in my circle that got me through this rough ride. You'd be surprised how much a smile, a positive word, or a sweet comment on Facebook can truly impact another person. 

There are people I've never met who have donated to my sons' gofundme account. There are people around the world still praying for me and Ryan. You get back what you put out. I've received so much support during this trying time and I'm eternally grateful for it all.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to start warming up for the race back to normalcy.

P.S If you'd like to donate to Ryan's #Forgetcancer Fund, simply copy and paste the website. Thanks!


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