Rainy Dayz

It's been raining for two days straight. I shouldn't complain since there is no flooding. Some parts of Texas were just under water for the past few days. There are still people missing who may have been caught in the high waters. I need to look on the bright side and create my own sunny day.

It's that time of year when people are starting to get their gardens together. People need food, and plants need water. I bet all the little seeds are in a watery heaven right now, as they bathe in the cool moist soil. I bet the roots of trees that run deep beneath the ground are rejoicing. When it rains like this, they are surely getting their thirst quenched.

The rhythm of the rain makes sleep come easy for many people. There's something about hearing the raindrops pour onto leaves, rooftops and window panes that is calming. A constant stream of rain falling from the sky is better than any Pandora station one could create.

This weather is snuggle weather. Snuggling up with a blanket and a book. Snuggling up with a furry friend. Snuggling up with a huge bowl of hot chili or hot soup. Or snuggling up with a loved one.

I once lived in California. In Los Angeles, there are about 300+ days of sunshine. I was there for a little over a year, and I could count on one hand how many times it rained. That's my preference, less rain more sun. However, I live in Cleveland. There are only about 100+ days of sunshine here...

I'm grateful for the rain. I know we need it. I just wish it didn't have to be so wet. Well, at least there are dozens of muddy puddles for my little guy to splash in. :-)


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