The Struggle Is Over

There's a song by a group called Youth For Christ called The Struggle Is Over. Some of the lyrics read:

Wherever you are
Whatever you've been going through
God says the struggle is over for you
You've been in this place long enough
And your mountainside has been rough
The struggle is over for you

The struggle is over
The heartache is over
The trouble is over
The struggle is over for you.

With my son Ryan completing his last of 30 radiation treatments on Monday, I truly feel like the struggle is over. We'll have 6 weeks of freedom. There will be no daily hospital visits to wake up for. He won't be sedated 5 days a week anymore. He can be a normal kid for 6 entire weeks! WHEW!!!! It's been a long road, but in my spirit I honestly feel like this is the final stage. I do understand and accept the fact that life is not finished teaching me lessons. I know there will be future obstacles to climb over, but nothing can compare to the hurricane I just survived through.

Strength and wisdom are the two words that sum up what I've gained through it all. I've gained the strength to overcome anything that life hands me unexpectedly. I've also been given the wisdom to know that life won't be no crystal stair (Langston Hughes), but if you hold on and have faith you'll rise like a Phoenix. There is nothing on Earth that can compare to the pain of hearing that your child has a brain tumor. 

There is no heartache from a relationship, no termination from a job, eviction, repossession of a vehicle, death of a loved one, or personal failure that can amount to the emotional torment I went through with my son. I love nothing and no one more than that kid. He's my everything. I simply want him to live a happy, healthy normal life. I believe he will. We all go through trials and tribulations and we ALL have a story.

I don't know what your story is or what hand life has dealt you. I don't know what storms you're facing now. All I know is, every day you wake up is another day for you to get it right. As long as there is still breath in your body, there is still time for you to walk in your purpose. I don't mean to preach, but everyday we forget how short life is. We have to slowly but surely figure out why we are here, and live like we know we have a purpose in this world.

We've all had our fair share of problems, but the fact that you're reading this let's me know you made it through. We are born with so much awesomeness inside of us. The hard times sharpen us and bring the good stuff to the fore front. Have you ever made it through a storm in your life that you have no idea how you made it out of? You survived, you hustled, you carried the cross, you took the beating, but you made it out alive. That is absolutely divine. Life gets tough but we were built to last.

It's so important that we encourage and uplift each other, because we never know what someone is going through. I wore smile after smile each and every day, when internally I was breaking down. I often think about people who commit suicide. One day they're at work or school seemingly happy and content. The next day, their body is found lifeless after a self inflicted gun shot wound to the head. Depression is real. Suicide is real. Life is hard. We've got to remind each other of how resilient are souls are.

We must tell our babies and our spouses, and even our parents how mighty they really are. We've got to encourage one another, and help each other during hard times. Not just financially, but also by a text, a phone call, or a tag on an inspiring IG post can lift someone who is down. So many people helped me during this time of sadness and sorrow. If it weren't for my tremendous support system and my magnificent love for my son, I know I would've either turned to drugs and alcohol, or maybe even taken my own life.

There were days when I felt like life was unbearable. Things like church every Sunday saved me. The hugs, the prayers, the songs, and the sermon. Another major life saver were the daily inspirational texts from family and friends. It was those messages that got me out of the bed some mornings. There are people who make it a point to be my morning motivation and I NEED it. Reading comments on Facebook and IG also keep me smiling and filled with hope. A little bit goes a long way.

I'm grateful for all of this. Everything happens for a reason. I feel excited about the future and I'm ready for any new battles that will come my way. For now, I'll be planning on taking pleasure in these next 6 weeks of my life. Won't you encourage someone today? Smile at someone for no reason, even if they don't smile back. Send a friend a funny text. Love on somebody today. You never know who's struggle you'll ease with just a small effortless gesture.


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